Marracash is back with a very nice album. Because it is worth listening to “Us, them and others”

by time news

The King is back. The King fights with us. Marracash, the successful production of “Person”(Five times platinum), he pulled out of the barrel another equally good album: “We, them, the others“. Excellent product Marz accompanied by Zef. The title is already a declaration of intent. From the I of “Person” to others, to us. A merciless photograph of society but also the desire to understand them the reason for the crumbling. The declared duets are three: “Nemesi ”with White, “∞ Love ”with Guè e “Honorary Degree “with Calcutta. But there are many other “hidden” collaborations: Elodie and Mahmood in “Crazy Love”, Salmo in “Cosplayer”, Joan Thiele in “We” and “Cosplayer”, Fabri Fibra in “We, Them, The Others”.

“The idea of ​​the record was to get out of myself and broaden the view and talk about others, people close to me, people I don’t like and the rest of society. – explained Marra a This Magazine -. Here I am also an occult protagonist because I wanted to show my relationships with others. It is no coincidence that I have done three different covers: in ‘We’ is my family and the people who have been close to me during the long journey on this album. In ‘Them’ a special moment with all the Universal executives from my accountant to my lawyer. ‘The others’ is the mass of people in which I am immersed, as if to say that the concept of us them and the others is an arbitrary division. The bigger sense is that today we are all very divided in a kind of team fight between no vax and vax, the accelerator is also pushed on individual identities and this creates more division ”.

The social complaint is contained in “They”: “I hate them because they manage to go to Mars, but not the cure, my friend’s sclerosis. Sign of the cross in hospital in Italy, more relatives killed me than the mafia“. There are also references to cases of extreme violence such as that of Carlo Giuliani (the protester killed during the G8 in Genoa in 2001, ed), Stefano Cucchi (killed while he was in pre-trial detention, ed) e Federico Aldrovandi (the student killed by four policemen, ed). There is also a reference to a recent episode: “Yes, do not be cool with the crimes of others that fate is blind, Facchinetti, McGregor“. The manager was beaten by the mixed martial artist without any explanation during his party in Rome. There has already been a lot of talk about Fedez not explicitly mentioned in the song “Cosplayer”: “From the blond patriot, on social media he does his utmost for us, but in reality he is the most shit like the Patriot in The Boys (Eh, this was heavy). Oh well, at most he goes wild, so much ambassador does not bring pain ” but also “The pop star with shining eyes for the decree? Vade retro, return to your creator“. Could it be a coincidence that in the passage there is the unspoken collaboration of Psalm? The Sardinian rapper also lashed out at Fedez several times.

In “Clown“There is a quote from the air”Put on your jacket“From” Pagliacci “by Ruggero Leoncavallo but also an attack on disposable rap:”No, he does not come out of his character because he is ashamed of who he is (Fake) Take this deception to the end otherwise he will sink you. I advise against playing the nabob after you have done two numbers”. In “the“Is cited”The Angels” from Vasco Rossi and it is perhaps the most intimate piece of the album together with “Nemesi”: “The truth does not simplify, the truth does not become explicit because it takes courage to say: I am a coward. Put a mask over the mask you already put on every day (…) We are just more selfish, maybe a dog and no children. Maybe nothing makes sense”. In “Nemesi“The duet with Blanco:”I close with the type with the paranoia, the bad inside has the same story as me, who always needs enemies in the area or makes war with himself when he does not find them“.

The single “Crazy Love”Sees in the center Marra and his ex-girlfriend Elodie in which the beginning of the story is told (“But then you crept in, curvy with green eyes, ocher skin and your pink hair“) But also the epilogue. In the video there is a clear quote from the work of Marina Abramovich and his partner, the photographer Ulay, “Rest Energy”, where Elodie points the arrow at Marra’s heart. The two kill each other at the end of the video. It is the end of a relationship born on the set, closing the circle with “Crazy in love” after having opened it on the set of “Margarita”.

Adolescence is present in the duet with his friend Guè Pequeno “∞ Love”: “Only love for these streets, for all the people who have been there since the beginning. For everyone I’ve lost along the way, it’s been a long journey (Love, love). The boys of Via De Pretis, del Vecchio, all the brothers at the Cavallo, in Teramo Lope, Tre Castelli, Cascina, one lovAnd”. They are the places where they grew up. But it’s in the song “Doubts“That Marra detaches himself from the others for a lucid and merciless reflection:”I am not afraid of death, but I am afraid of not living (…) I am forty years old and have never seen a bond that remains, a maternal love, viscous, I don’t need it, I don’t want it for me it’s just a way to hide from the world “. So the King of rap is back and is not giving anyone a discount.

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