Martin Sellner wants to set up AfD secret service – 2024-03-06 02:28:21

by times news cr

2024-03-06 02:28:21

After the push to expel millions of people from Germany, right-wing extremist Martin Sellner is offering the AfD another concept: a plan to monitor its members.

The figurehead of the right-wing extremist “Identitarian Movement” is giving the AfD a new “master plan”: After Martin Sellner was significantly involved in the “remigration” plan, against which millions of people took to the streets, he now has a proposal for an internal party secret service counterintelligence and hopes to attract interest from the AfD.

A small group should be allowed to monitor the other AfD members so that they provide fewer reasons for ban proceedings or bad press. In this way, alleged informants of the secret services and members who speak carelessly are to be found and thrown out.

Sellner’s ideas go so far that there should effectively no longer be any privacy for AfD members. What he is proposing is in blatant contradiction to the German constitution and party law, says an expert. And the ideas burst into the middle of an internal AfD dispute over how to deal with the particularly extreme youth organization Junge Alternative (JA).

Martin Sellner is facing an entry ban

The 35-year-old Austrian Martin Sellner is celebrating in live videos these days when he enters Germany like on Friday. He is facing an entry and residence ban. The city of Potsdam has initiated corresponding proceedings, which sees Sellner as a threat to security and order. Sellner, who emerged from the neo-Nazi scene, is one of the AfD’s pioneers and, with the “Vorfeld”, i.e. activists in the AfD’s orbit, is paving the way for increasingly radical ideas in the party.

What he says and suggests often finds its way into the AfD years later. For years he has been using the actually scientific term “remigration” as a cloaked “foreigners out” and talking about “ethnopluralism” when he wants to stir up sentiment against the “mixing” of peoples. The neologisms are usually intended to give racist and ethnic ideas a new, unsuspicious coat of paint.

But his latest recommendation to the AfD is clear. In his Telegram channel, Sellner suggests that AfD members have to be monitored internally in order to be able to sort out problem cases. He has expressed such an idea several times. Now some people have asked him to elaborate.

Sellner doesn’t take long to ask and explains how he would do it “if I had the means, opportunities and responsibility”: To do this, a cell would have to be created in the strictest secrecy, perhaps away from the AfD rooms, which would form a network he explains. What is needed is a circle of incorruptible people “who may do this on their own initiative and then, through good work, get the authority and financing of the party that is necessary for this.”

Youth organizations should be at the beginning

Sellner’s plan is apparently also a reaction to the fact that members of the JA regularly attract attention with outrageous statements. He himself cited an RTL report on a hike by the Junge Alternative (JA) in Bautzen, where female reporters mingled with the participants. During the “hero walk” participants said inhumane sentences. People of foreign origin should “first be interned and put in a ghetto.” One should “look for volunteers who are prepared to shoot women and children even if necessary.” According to its statement, the JA now rules out that the statements came from its own members. After all, it wasn’t a closed YES event.

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