Maxim Vitorgan to play Mikhoels in Dmitry Krymov’s play | News | News

by time news

An unusual theatrical project starts at the Museum of Moscow – Dmitry Krymov’s production “Two. Chaplin and Mikhoels “. The story tells about the visit of the chairman of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee, director Solomon Mikhoels, to the United States, where he was to meet with wealthy Jews in order to raise funds to fight Nazi Germany. One of those who contributed money was Charlie Chaplin.

Actor Maxim Vitorgan plays the role of Mikhoels in the play.

“This story is a typical Crimean fantasy, as always – very authorial,” Maxim Vitorgan told Izvestia.

The performance, as the actor noted, is a multi-faceted, synthesized, multi-layered work. He explained that puppets are involved in the production, songs are played, there are dance numbers.

According to the artist, it is not worth considering the production as a biopic. Maxim Vitorgan emphasized that this is a fantasy on the theme of a meeting between a great tragedian and a great comedian, and admitted that he was not even playing Mikhoels, with whom outwardly they were completely different, “but some of his spirit, the embodiment of his playful beginning.”

Read more in an exclusive interview with Izvestia:

“Acting versus directing is nothing”

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