Meet the corporate “Tinder” that connects professionals

by time news

2023-04-30 15:00:09

The Tinder application, which connects people romantically around the world, is a worldwide phenomenon and now a company is bringing a similar proposal to the application, but applied to the business world.

The BetaLab education startup tool wants to connect professionals with big names in the corporate world and, more than that, allow people to “match” with mentors and be able to learn directly from them.

According to the company, the platform will offer not only this corporate Tinder model, but several other learning possibilities through a platform guided by algorithms and artificial intelligence (AI).

The forecast for launching the product is scheduled for the end of May and a pilot project will be implemented during the month of April.

“We will do a completely free test with a BetaLab partner company as a way of understanding the usability of the system. We want the product to reach the market without any kind of operational gap, and, just like Tinder itself, professionals will be able to select their ‘perfect matches’, that is, those mentors who are closest to their professional needs”, explains the CEO from BetaLab, Marcel Nobra.

Creating differentiated products is already part of BetaLab’s routine, which offered innovative methodologies to the corporate training market, such as TikTok Learning, in which actors and specialists create content in short videos that are sent to employees for a specified period of time.

Based on the concept of microlearning, this methodology offers users an experience similar to that of the Chinese social network, and, in addition, makes learning easy.

“Our main objective with all this is to offer an increasingly individualized training, in an adaptive learning model. For this, we use tools that use not only AI, but also edutainment that, in addition to offering assertive content, also entertains, entertains and, more than that, stimulates constant learning, the so-called life long learning”, says Marcel.

Discover edutainment

For those unfamiliar with the concept, edutainment is exactly what it sounds like. The combination of education and entertainment is a trend in the educational world and in the digital world.

“Today, with technology, it is no longer possible to think of pasteurized courses, in which a professor places several collaborators in chairs and just talks for hours. People don’t have the time, let alone the desire, to learn this way. Whether in the corporate world, whether at university or even with children. The reality is different and we need to be ready for it”, explains Marcel.

He adds: “education is a tool that makes it possible to work with formats that include games, skits, webseries, quizzes, simulations, in short, several different methodologies”.

Tailormade: tailor-made training

In addition to the use of tools such as Corporate Tinder, Tik Tok Leraning, gamification and other tools, another resource has been making a difference in the work that BetaLab has been doing and could be the difference in learning and updating other professionals.

These are ultra-personalized courses, designed according to the needs of each company, each area and each employee.

“By using features such as algorithm-driven platforms, it is possible to reach a level of individualization that has never been seen before. For example, the commercial department of a company that is experiencing problems with its after-sales service can enter the platform and choose this theme, from there, each employee builds an individual track”, explains Marcel.

He explains that, for example, someone who has a follow problem can access content made specifically for this through a click, as well as the manager of the same area can click on content related to the onboarding phase. That is, instead of training the entire team in a single course, people are trained individually.

As a result, BetaLab has been increasingly daring in its creations: “we have noticed that companies that invest in this type of training end up expanding possibilities, after all, innovation is a path of no return in the world we live in today. We are talking about an era of Artificial Intelligence, the metaverse, algorithms, and inserting teams into this universe is essential”, concludes Nobre.

With information from AR Comunicação and BetaLab.

#Meet #corporate #Tinder #connects #professionals

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