Mélenchon, new idol of an Italian left in search of identity

by time news

Who still remembers the “Brigade Tsipras”?

“We were then in February 2015”, remember Linkiesta, and a progressive convoy of 300 activists affiliated with different Italian left and center left parties traveled to Greece to celebrate the success of Alexis Tsipras, leader of Syriza. This cheerful heterogeneous battalion had given itself the name of “Brigade Tsipras”.

A year earlier, during the 2014 European elections, various Italian left-wing parties even coalesced under the name “The other Europe with Tsipras”.

Iglesias, Corbyn and finally Sanders

A craze for a foreign leader carried as an absolute model typical of Italian left parties, according to the news site, which embarks on a long chronology of the successive exaltations of the transalpine left:

“After Tsipras, it was the turn of the Spanish leader of Podemos, Pablo Iglesias, then Labor Jeremy Corbyn, and finally, the American Democrat Bernie Sanders. Figures with which our left of the left fell madly in love, which still lives in the fascination of revolution of others’, which is always in search of the revolutionary spark that can change the course of history in all corners of the world.”

From now on, continues the online media, these parties would have set their sights on a new idol: Jean-Luc Mélenchon.

Thus, after having listed a few quotes from Italian left-wing politicians who invite us to draw inspiration from the Insoumis leader, Linkiesta speaks of an ongoing fascination with this leader described as “a modern Poujadist who protests more than he makes proposals and who takes advantage of the discontent without offering perspectives”.

Soon the “Brigade bonjour” in Paris?

We deduce that Mélenchon does not arouse the admiration of this progressive information site. Just like the leaders mentioned above, who, with the exception of Tsipras (“who did not leave a great mark in the history of the world left”), never knew how to win the general elections.

A destiny of a magnificent loser like that of La France insoumise finally, which, predicting Linkiesta, could soon receive as a consolation prize a visit from a “Brigade bonjour” [en français dans le texte] came from the other side of the Alps.

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