Mélenchon promises to “unite” if his list comes first on the left

by time news

2024-03-17 13:25:01

What if the left united again after the European elections? The leader of La France insoumise Jean-Luc Mélenchon promised it on Sunday if Manon Aubry’s list comes to the top of the left.

“We want to beat the Macronists and follow on the heels of the National Rally,” said the former presidential candidate on France 3. “If we are clearly ahead, we will come, we will tell them “my darlings, it’s like last time , we must unite,” he added, addressing the parties with which he created the Nupes after the 2022 presidential election, the socialists, the ecologists and the communists.

Convinced that the Insoumis are “capable of uniting, while the only thing they are capable of doing is division,” he hoped that “the French left would punish them” for have each made a separate list for the European deadline. The Insoumis hoped until the end for a common list, of which they were ready not to take the lead.

“Don’t worry, the next day, I’ll do like last time, we’ll tell everyone “come back here, okay, did you understand? We have a program together, we can do things. How do you go about winning the presidential election? » of 2027, he explained.

The risk of “returning to the center left”

Conversely, if the list of Insoumis, now credited in the polls at around 7%, does not come out on top, the left risks “returning to the center left”, he worried.

And if Raphaël Glucksmann, head of the PS-Place publique list, “comes to the top”, in 2027, “he will be a candidate alongside at least two ecologists and at least two socialists, plus a communist, that means chaos” , predicted Jean-Luc Mélenchon.

“If people on the left vote for us, there will be a union,” he insisted, “if they don’t vote for us, there will be no union.”

In various polls, the list of Jordan Bardella (RN) is credited with around 30% of voting intentions on June 9, that of the presidential camp, led by Valérie Hayer with around 18%. It is the list of Raphaël Glucksmann which is placed at the head of the left (10%), followed by the Ecologists of Marie Toussaint (9%).

#Mélenchon #promises #unite #list #left

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