Melodi Grand Prix 2024: These advanced to the final:

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The year’s third and final semi-final in Melodi Grand Prix 2024 will be held on Saturday evening, and once again six participants will be reduced to three.

Last Saturday it became clear that it was Super Rob and Erika Norwich, GĆ„te, and Anne Fagermo and Dag Erik Oksvold who ran away with the three final passes.

These are further in the second final: – Not a stereotypical song

The competition model is the same as last year. All the artists will sing their song once, and then it’s up to the people to decide who moves on.

Everyone competes against everyone, and the three who walk away with the final tickets will then fight with six other artists to win the entire competition in the grand final on Saturday 3 February in Trondheim Spektrum.

Before the artists take the MGP stage tonight, it is Vidar Villa, MIIA and KEiiNO who run away with the year’s last final places, if we are to believe bettinglistene.

However, the betting lists did not quite match.

After a tough competition, in the end it was KEiiNO, MIIA and Annprincess who went on to Trondheim.

– It will be absolutely magical

When Good Evening Norway meets KEiiNO after the broadcast, they make no secret of their great satisfaction.

– It is fantastic that people have voted for us. We had one goal and that was to get to Trondheim, and we are eternally grateful for that, says a happy Alexandra Rotan.

The singer-songwriter Tom Hugo Hermansen also thinks it’s fun that the Norwegian people voted for them.

He does not hide that he is looking forward to the final.

– That we get to play to a lot of people in Trondheim. We are definitely at our best when we are on big stages, so it will be absolutely magical.

TO THE FINAL: KEiiNO is one of those who will perform in the final next weekend. Photo: NRK

When asked who they think they could be knocked off next weekend, however, they answer humbly.

– I haven’t thought that far. We just wanted to get through today. But I think the final we will see in Trondheim will be one of the best, replies Rotan, to which Hermansen adds:

– Whoever has the best original song, whoever has a show and delivers vocally. And it could be anyone.

Mia “MIIA” Virik Brubakken is both grateful and proud to be involved.

– Reaching out to many people is something I have dreamed of all my life. It’s absolutely wild.

– Who do you think will be the hardest to beat in a final?

– I think it’s impossible to say, because everyone is really good. It is a high level. I don’t know if it’s clichĆ© to say NO, since they are veterans, she replies and adds:

A DREAM: Mia “MIIA” Virik Brubakken says that it is a dream come true. Photo: Espen Solli / NRK

– But I don’t know. Anything can happen, I feel.

Despite the high level and competition, Brubakken has faith that she can reach the very top.

– That’s what I’m aiming for, so I just have to keep that faith.

ā€“ Look at me now

– It’s the SICKEST thing, says Annprincess when Good Evening Norway meets her after the good news.

The artist couldn’t believe it herself when she heard her name called out.

– Imagine they said my name, that’s what goes through my head. I also think that I need time to settle down a bit, she says and adds:

– People are seasoned artists, and I thought “ok, I’m a small artist, we just have to do what we can”. Now I’m coming to Trondheim, look at me now.

SHOCKED: Annprincess was shocked when she heard her name called out. Photo: Espen Solli / NRK

Until the final, Annprincess has her plan ready.

– Spread a little more joy, make people feel that they are not alone, more energy on stage and just continue on that path.

She also fears her competitor KEiiNO in the final.

– They have a raw song that screams Eurovision. They are also experienced and have a large fan base. But I hope people manage to think a little differently, look more at the whole and maybe send someone who hasn’t participated in Eurovision before.

– What kind of qualities do you bring to Eurovision?

– I bring authenticity, a song with a strong message that people can relate to and a good atmosphere. It just has to work, she says in conclusion.

This is how the evening was:

1. Vidar Villa ā€“ MORE

In recent years, Vidar Villa has established himself as one of Norway’s biggest artists.

Villa stood on the MGP stage six years ago, and made a comeback with the song “MER”.

– At the time, it was at the very beginning of my music career, so I was just thrown into it. I hadn’t been on stage that much then, so I may have gained a bit more experience. But I can feel that the excitement and nerves surrounding it are quite similar to six years ago.

MORE: Vidar Villa opened the last MGP semi-final with the song MER. Photo: Espen Solli

The song is about embracing all parts of life – both the good and the bad.

He has produced MER together with Jonas Thomassen, Martin Thomassen and Mathias Nilsen.

– How was it to be back on the MGP stage?, asks presenter Marion Ravn when Villa has finished performing

– You, I thought I was going to be really nervous, but then it was just so much fun.

2. MISTRA ā€“ Waltz of Death

In the new duo MISTRA we find Benedicte Adrian and Anders Odden.

Together they conquered the MGP audience with the song “Waltz of Death”.

WALTZ OF DEATH: Benedicte Adrian and Anders Odden present the new metal group Mistra on Saturday evening. Photo: Espen Solli

Adrian is back on the MGP stage a full 40 years after the success of “Dollie de Luxe”.

– It is the other end of the life course in a way. It’s about life, too, and it’s about being intensely alive when you are, says Adrian and adds:

– Life is fragile, so really it’s just another way of saying live life long.

Odden has been very successful in black metal, and the band Cadaver,

“Waltz of Death” has been produced by Adrian and Odden together.

– Must be played at my funeral

3. Thomas Jenssen ā€“ Take Me To Heaven

The artist from Levanger has always dreamed of participating in Melodi Grand Prix.

With a master’s in songwriting in the bag, he finally joined the circus with the song “Take Me To Heaven”.

– It is a dream come true. I keep track every year, and finally it’s my turn.

DREAM: Thomas Jenssen fulfills a dream when he has now stood on the MGP stage. Photo: Espen Solli

He has produced the song together with Ricky Hanley, David Fremberg and Jonas Holteberg Jensen, and is about being captivated by someone and daring to be vulnerable.

Jenssen was the third man out, and completed the number in one piece.

– There has been a lot of practice. I’m very happy I got the thickest heels, says Jenssen after the performance.

4. Annprincess ā€“ Save Me

Annprincess is an artist and songwriter from Lier. She has previously participated in Norske Talenter and most recently in The Voice in 2022. In the same year, she released her debut single Middle of the Night.

Annprincess is now ready to participate in Melodi Grand Prix with the song “Save Me”.

PERSONAL: Annprincess sings about her own personal experiences in the song “Save Me”. Photo: Espen Solli

The song, which she has produced herself, is about the loneliness you feel when others point out how different you are.

– The eight-year-old in me screams, and still believes that this is just a strange dream. However, the 32-year-old is enjoying himself, and is incredibly grateful to be part of this.

– What is it really like to stand on this stage?

– It’s MGP! It’s one of the sickest things that can happen to an artist, so it’s just sick, sick, sick fun, says Annprincess.

5. MIIA ā€“ Green Lights

MIIA conquered many around the world when she released the song “Dynasty” back in 2015. The song was mentioned by the American music magazine Billboard, and at the time of writing has 161 million plays on Spotify.

– It is the first time I have done something like this here in Norway, and it feels very big and scary. But, I feel very much like I can join. This is a challenge for myself, so I hope I can get the message across.

GREEN LIGHT: MIIA has had great success on Spotify with the song “Dynasty”, now she sings “Green Lights” on the MGP stage. Photo: Espen Solli

MIIA take another step in their career, and took the MGP stage tonight with the song “Green Lights”.

She has produced “Green Lights” together with Benjamin Dan Ravn Fahre, Mugoshi David Nhonzi, Emelie Hollow and Ida Botten.

6. KEiiNO ā€“ Damdiggida

For the third time, KEiiNO is back in the MGP circus.

In 2019, with the song “Spirit in the Sky”, KEiiNO took fifth place in Eurovision.

Afterwards, the band topped the charts, won awards and was nominated for Spellemann. They have also gained an international fan base over the years, and have toured Australia.

– All three of us have dreamed of winning Eurovision since we were little. When we had written a song that all three of us loved, and which has that little weirdness that might make it gain a large audience, we had to qualify again, said Tom Hugo during the artist launch.

DAMDIGGIDA: The song KEiiNO participates in this year’s MGP, “Damdiggida”, is a new side of the artists that they are excited to show off. Photo: Espen Solli

After the success of “Spirit in the Sky” they participated once more, but were beaten in the finals by TIX with the song “Fallen Angel” in 2021.

With the song “Damdiggida”, KEiiNO was back for the third time, and hungry for another attempt to take home the victory.

Damdiggida has the KEiiNO trio produced together with Alexander N. Olsson and Jakob Redtzer.

– It will be absolutely fantastic. It is so incredibly great to be back in the Grand Prix with KEiiNO, says Rotan to Good evening Norway.

The group believes that the difference between this song and their two previous MGP songs is:

– It’s the first time Fred is allowed to rap. He was originally supposed to rap in “Spirit in The Sky”, but then it was replaced. Now we think that for the third time that now he has to show what he has done before KEiiNO. His tongue is quick, Tom Hugo explains.

The trio admits that they feel a little pressure.

– We have been there a couple of times in the past, but we have one goal and that is to enjoy ourselves and give the people musical joy. Our focus is there. Anything can happen in the Grand Prix, that’s what’s so exciting.

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