Members of the European Parliament reluctant to prevent EU companies from profiting from surveillance and abuse through the Artificial Intelligence Law

by time news

2023-12-05 11:56:00
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Given the news that the Members of the Parliament of the European Union (EU) are reluctant to ban the export of harmful AI technologies that violate human rights in the Artificial Intelligence LawMher Hakobyan, advocacy advisor on the regulation of artificial intelligence for Amnesty International, said:

“While lawmakers are engaged in tense debates over banning or strictly limiting the use of certain AI technologies in the EU due to their unacceptable risk to human rights, they appear to agree on allowing the export of these technologies from the EU.” to the rest of the world.

This demonstrates blatant double standards on the part of members of the EU Parliament, who on the one hand present the EU as a world leader in promoting ‘safe, trustworthy and ethical artificial intelligence’ and on the other refuse to prevent EU companies from selling AI systems that violate rights to the rest of the world.

It is time for EU legislators to demonstrate their real commitment to human rights by banning facial and emotion recognition systems, predictive policing, social scoring systems and other technologies incompatible with human rights in the EU. .

It is known that companies based in EU countries supply technologies that violate rights to governments that use them to oppress and act against marginalized communities.

Digital surveillance systems manufactured by companies based in France, Sweden and the Netherlands have been used in China’s programs to massively surveil the Uyghur community and other predominantly Muslim ethnic groups in the country. Likewise, the Israeli police have used Dutch-made cameras in the occupied territory of East Jerusalem to impose the Israeli system of apartheid to the Palestinian population.”

Additional information

Amnesty International, as part of a coalition of civil society organizations led by the European Digital Rights Network (EDRi), been asking for a long time that the EU adopts regulations on artificial intelligence that protect and promote human rights, including rights of people on the move.

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