Message from Minister André Joseph Ouédraogo

by time news

2023-09-08 12:27:17


This is the message from the Minister in charge of Education on the occasion of International Literacy Day.

Dear actresses and actors,

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Promoters, producers and beneficiaries of literacy services,

Dear education partners,

Ladies and gentlemen !

Like every year, September 8 marks the celebration of International Literacy Day. This celebration is an opportunity to recall that literacy issues are at the heart of the fight against poverty, the promotion of sustainable development and human rights. Indeed, the rapidly changing global context has taken on new significance in recent years, hindering progress in literacy and widening inequalities between world regions, countries and populations.

In low- and middle-income countries, the share of 10-year-old children who could not read and understand a simple text increased from 57% in 2019 to nearly 70% in 2022. It is this global context that justifies the choice of the theme for International Literacy Day (ILD), 2023 edition: “ Promoting Literacy for a World in Transition: Building the Foundations of Sustainable and Peaceful Societies ».

In Burkina Faso, the proportion of people aged 15 and over who cannot read or write in any language is estimated at 70.3% according to the report of the fifth General Population and Housing Census (RGPH) occurred in 2019. The commemoration of JIA 2023 will therefore be an opportunity to analyze the best possibilities for joining efforts to accelerate humanity’s progress towards achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG4) on the education and lifelong learning. The challenge is to reflect on the role of literacy in building more inclusive, peaceful, just and sustainable societies.

It is then necessary to promote literacy in order to rebuild the relationship between man and nature because knowing how to read, write and calculate in any language opens up the possibility of acquiring knowledge allowing us to find solutions to economic and social challenges. and current environmental issues but also peace building. Being part of this dynamic, the Government of Burkina Faso, with regard to the strategy of “ to do “, calls on development associations, foundations and civil society organizations active in education to mobilize in order to better support populations to act in order to better understand each other and work together to achieve lasting peace.

Dear actresses,

Dear actors and partners of Education

Ladies and gentlemen,

In addition to the main theme retained by the international community, a secondary theme is added to the national plan: “ Need to operationalize the triptych of basic education, professional training and socio-economic integration of those leaving ENF structures “. This is justified by the absolute necessity of weaving reciprocal relationships between literacy and other areas of development. Thus, the reflections to be carried out during the day must embrace, among other things, questions relating to the reduction of gender inequalities, the promotion of youth employment, the protection and assistance of communities faced with security and humanitarian crises, improving the resilience of populations in the face of natural and anthropogenic disasters.

During the celebration of this day, I would like to express all my gratitude and my warm congratulations to all those working on the project of literacy, non-formal education and the promotion of national languages. These actors include, among others, facilitators, supervisors, coordinators, agents of central, decentralized and decentralized structures in charge of non-formal education services (ENF) and the promotion of national languages, the Literacy Fund and non-formal Education (FONAENF), Foundations, Development Associations (AD), Civil Society Organizations (CSO) active in ENF and Technical and Financial Partners (PTF).

Thanks to the synergy of actions of these actors, satisfactory results have been recorded at several levels. Without being exhaustive and for illustrative purposes, I note that during the 2023 literacy campaign, 2,366 centers of all formats were opened. The number of learners registered in these centers is 56,087 learners.

In a world marked by violent political discourses which lead to and fuel armed conflicts and massive displacements of populations fleeing their villages, the promotion of literacy becomes an imperative, a catalyst for the emergence of more educated, sustainable and peaceful societies.

I therefore invite the populations of cities and countryside to take an active part in the commemorative activities of this day. Also, I express the hope that the actions and reflections carried out as part of this commemoration will contribute to consolidating the paths already taken towards achieving our objectives in terms of literacy for our populations. I wish everyone a happy and successful International Literacy Day.

Long live literacy, a guarantee of sustainable human development!

Long live Burkina Faso!

Thank you.



#Message #Minister #André #Joseph #Ouédraogo

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