Message from the Director-General of the ILO for the elimination of gender violence

by time news

2023-11-24 01:00:00

Violence and harassment against women and girls knows no boundaries, not even the workplace.

One in five employed people must face cases of violence or harassment throughout their working life.

And three out of five, mostly women, must face them repeatedly.

We can avoid it.

We can act before it happens.

This requires investing in the prevention of violence and harassment against women and girls, in the workplace and outside of it.

Invest to eradicate discrimination. Everywhere.

Only if we collaborate can we make a difference.

Convention no. ILO Convention 190 grants everyone the right to a work environment free of violence.

As I collaborate with the 16 Days of Activism campaign to end violence against women and girls, I call on all Member States to ratify Convention No. 190.

Together, we can create a more inclusive world of work and ensure social justice for all.

Let’s collaborate to prevent this violence BEFORE it occurs.

#Message #DirectorGeneral #ILO #elimination #gender #violence

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