Meta Platforms Update: New Restrictions for Teen Instagram and Facebook Accounts

by time news

Meta Platforms to Implement Content Filtering for Teen Instagram and Facebook Accounts

Parents have long been frustrated by internet platforms that treat teen accounts much the same as adult accounts. Data-collection laws protecting children under 13 don’t extend to older minors. Social media’s biggest operator is addressing this with a shift in content filtering.

Meta Platforms plans to automatically restrict teen Instagram and Facebook accounts from harmful content including videos and posts about self-harm, graphic violence and eating disorders. The changes are expected to roll out in the coming weeks.

The move comes as concerns about the impact of social media on young people continue to grow. Meta Platforms, formerly known as Facebook, has faced criticism in the past for its approach to content regulation and the potential harm it could have on younger users.

With the new restrictions, Meta is aiming to provide a safer online environment for teenagers, who may be more susceptible to the negative effects of harmful content.

It’s an important step towards addressing the unique needs of younger users on social media platforms, and could set a precedent for other companies to follow suit in implementing stricter content filtering for teen accounts.

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