Microsoft reduces limits on Bing AI usage, can be used 6 times per round, up to 60 messages per day.

by time news

Microsoft revealed through Bing Blog, the official blog of the search engine Bing. It has announced the release of restrictions on the use of Chatbot Bing AI to create a balance between usability.

The reason why Microsoft previously restricted the use of Bing AI by requiring only 5 questions per session, no more than 50 messages, is because when users create conversations that are too long. As a result, Bing AI’s answers are inaccurate and inaccurate.

At the same time, Microsoft acknowledges that each chat session that is long and complex is not what Microsoft found during the testing period. And also said that the Bing AI test is internal for now. to find use cases that might be unusual in this way This will lead to a process of further product learning and improvement.

But when there is a limit to asking a small number of times was found to be insufficient for consumer use Many users have commented on this topic on Reddit.

Until leading to Microsoft’s decision to loosen the restrictions. With a maximum of 6 sessions allowed per session, up to 60 messages per day. Bing’s blog post also said that There is a guideline to increase it to 100 sessions per day, but that’s a future plan.

In addition, Microsoft has said that It is beginning to experiment with new settings, such as requiring short answers. and focus more on searching Or want an answer that looks creative. The goal is to give users control over their chat behavior. and meets the needs as much as possible.

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