Migraines, headaches: how to really get rid of them

by time news

INVESTIGATION – They are a nuisance, sometimes an ordeal for the millions of French people who experience them on a daily basis: migraines, pains and other headaches. If the painful skull of the day after a party is quickly forgotten, it is different for chronic ailments, real neurological pathologies. To prevent attacks and relieve pain, solutions exist, drugs, but not only.

They concern young and old, and handicap millions of French people. New drugs raise hope.

A storm under the skull. Spikes of fire in the brain. « The headache that crushes the head makes you crazy, leads you astray », wrote Guy de Maupassant about his crises. Migraines and other headaches are a nuisance, sometimes an ordeal for millions of French people who experience them on a daily basis.

And yet, curiously, the subject is not considered a public health emergency. This is all the more surprising since headaches are one of the most common pathologies: in France, one in two people has been a victim of them during the year, one in six suffers from them every day with social and economic repercussions. important. Worldwide, these ailments are the third leading cause of disability for people of all ages.

A real handicap

We will say a little quickly that a headache is not that serious. It depends for whom… Some extremely painful headaches…

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