Milei brought down Píparo de Anses | Cuyo’s diary

by time news

2023-11-24 00:15:29

Carolina Píparo, confirmed days ago by the president-elect Javier Milei himself as the future executive director of Anses, will finally not be in charge of the organization and her place would be taken by Osvaldo Giordano, current Minister of Economy of Córdoba, from the government of Juan Schiaretti.

In a surprising reversal of decisions, the current national representative will not take over the National Social Security Administration in the government of the far-right president. Despite her previous confirmation, this Thursday they announced that the legislator and former candidate for governor for La Libertad Avanza will not finally go to the organization.

Píparo, who had been appointed by Milei himself, had reported a few hours ago through her social networks that on Monday the 27th she had a meeting scheduled with Fernanda Raverta, current head of Anses, to discuss the details of the transition. However, these plans are thwarted by Milei’s team’s decision to put Giordano in his place.

The former gubernatorial candidate had generated expectations by announcing the meeting with Raverta and had highlighted the importance of the transition. In her message on the X network, she also urged Anses workers not to be influenced by “fear campaigns or transcendence.”

Osvaldo Giordano, the man chosen for Anses?

The person who would take charge of Anses would be the current Minister of Economy of Córdoba, side of the outgoing governor of the province and former presidential candidate, Juan Schiaretti.

Giordano’s appointment would be presented as part of an agreement that seeks to ensure the governability of Milei. The Córdoba vote contributed greatly to the victory of the far-right.

In addition, there would be other Cordobans in the dance of names to occupy national positions, among them, the current Secretary of Transportation of the province of Córdoba, Franco Moguetta Predevello.

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