Miss Universe vs. Miss Universe: Linor Abergele in an angry post

by time news

Tonight (Sunday), the final ceremony of the Miss Universe World Competition is expected to take place in Eilat, and after the Eurovision-winning singer, Neta Barzilai, refused to perform in the competition due to her claim that it is a “difficult, outdated and diminishing concept,” two retired beauty queens join the protest.

In a post she uploaded to her Instagram account, Linor Abergil wrote that she has already had time to repent since being crowned “Miss World” in 1998, because it is a disgrace. “This year: 2021, women walk in swimsuits while men distribute them and choose the one who gets to be Miss Universe. Really ??? It’s just a disgrace that our girls have to live by an external physical approval that values ​​them, mostly by uneducated drooling men! !! “.

“We women are queens, no one can treat us as if we were an object without a soul to appreciate … You bring life, the world and its fullness, everything and you have everything. There will be days when we look back and do not believe that such competitions were with us, shame” .

Model Liran Koehner, who won the competition in Israel in 2007, also wrote second thoughts about the class on her Instagram account. “Let’s face it, it just belongs to a different era. It feels irrelevant and even jarring with what’s going on in the world. I think from year to year the organizers of the competitions understand it better and I have no doubt it’s a matter of time.” At the same time, Cohener stressed that this is an opportunity for girls from around the world to make a difference in their lives, and for a blessed endeavor.

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