Morant warns of the repercussions of “denialism” in science that the PP shows in the Mar Menor, Doñana or CyL – Society

by time news

2023-06-29 15:55:57

The Minister of Science, Diana Morant, has denounced the repercussions of the scientific “denial” shown by the PP in the Mar Menor, in Doñana or in Castilla y León.

In a podcast interview published by El Español and collected by Europa Press, Morant has criticized that the president of the PP in Murcia, López Miras “denies science and does not provide solutions to the real problems that are drowning the Mar Menor and, ultimately, turning it into a failed ecosystem”, which goes “against” society, tourism and the environment.

In addition, he has denounced that the president of the Junta de Andalucía, Juanma Moreno Bonilla, has also denied science by wanting to “run over Doñana”, although he points out that the Government “has put a stop to it”.

Likewise, Morant observes this scientific denialism also in Castilla y León, where an attempt has been made to “relax” the control measures for bovine tuberculosis, considering that the Government is taking public health “to the extreme” and the economic sector. “In Europe they are already telling you, sir, you will not be able to export your cattle and meat because we do not have the guarantee that you are not at risk of being infected,” the minister warned.

In short, he has insisted that science denial has repercussions on health, the economy and “also, of course, democracy.”

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