More migrants in the Giens waiting area

by time news

All the migrants who survived the “Ocean Viking” who had been welcomed in a waiting area located on the Giens peninsula, in Hyères (Var) have now left the site, we learned from sources on Thursday. close to the file and associative confirming information from RTL.

“The area will be formally closed in the coming days. The two Bangladeshi nationals are in the waiting area in Marseille awaiting their expulsion,” said a source familiar with the matter.

“The waiting area no longer exists when no one is locked up there,” said Laure Palun, director of Anafé (national association for border assistance for foreigners), who intervened there for several days.

The “Ocean Viking”, a humanitarian ship chartered by SOS Méditerranée, docked in Toulon 13 days ago with 230 migrants on board who were immediately locked in an international “waiting area” created in a holiday center of the peninsula of Giens.

A large number of them had been quickly released, either by court order, or because they were unaccompanied minors, or because they had been admitted to the territory for asylum after interviews with the Office French Protection for Refugees and Stateless Persons (Ofpra).

Draw the “conclusions” of this episode

The management of migrants from the “Ocean Viking” has been the subject of a controversy fueled by right-wing and far-right opposition groups who have accused the government of a “fiasco”.

The government told him that it wanted to draw the “conclusions” from this episode by a new legislative turn of the screw with the next immigration law. The law “is not necessarily adapted to this situation”, declared Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin during the session of questions to the government at the National Assembly on Tuesday.

“We must change the law and that is precisely what we are going to do in the immigration law” proposed by the government, which is carrying out all-out consultations on this draft text which must be the subject of a parliamentary debate on the 6 and December 13 before an official presentation in early January 2023.

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