«Morgane», an imperfect and messy but brilliant heroine- time.news

by time news

The interpretation of the protagonist Audrey Fleurot returns the profile of an imperfect heroine, multitasking by definition and with a life full of hardships and defeats

There are fictions that have a magnet inside: well hidden, almost invisible but very effective. If you have the goodness to follow these notes, I will try to explain this strange case of magnetism. On Rai1, «Morgane. Brilliant detective », a Franco-Belgian production that was very successful in France. After the Ventimiglia border, what happens? Morgane Alvaro (Audrey Fleurot), the protagonist, has everything not to like: she is vulgar, dresses badly, works as a cleaner, three children, two marriages behind her and several debts. It’s weird, almost repulsive, yet at an IQ of 160 (an IQ far above average). This allows her to guess what others do not (“Monk”, “The Mentalist”, “Dr House”) and to accidentally collaborate with the police to solve difficult cases. Morgane is an enigmatic, impulsive woman, reluctant to collaborate with authority; the interpretation of Fleurot returns the profile of an imperfect heroine, multitasking by definition and with a life full of hardships and defeats.

Her intelligence does not prevent her from being clumsy, intriguingeven disturbing, so much so that it is difficult to justify his collaboration with the police, tinged with a subtle attraction towards an inspector. Where is the magnet? The question is legitimate because if one starts to see an episode, he can no longer detach himself and reaches the end. Maybe taking note of the flaws or struggling with the oddities of Morgane or recording the inconsistencies of the detective genre. But it inevitably comes to an end. And this can only be explained by the presence of subtle electrical charges scattered throughout the story (there is a scene in which Morgane solves a case thanks to a magnet). The magnet is like an unspeakable pleasure that keeps us glued to a story even when we perceive its absurdities.

September 29, 2021 (change September 29, 2021 | 19:35)

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