Morocco and the Lionesses of the Atlas, showcase of a leading and building African sport (Le Figaro)

by times news cr

2024-05-09 12:35:11

From the exploits of the Atlas Lions at the Qatar World Cup and that of the Atlas Lionesses qualified in the 8th finals “a legacy is being built dedicated to a youth and a people celebrating and in search of new challenges”, underlines Souad Soulimani, member of the Sport Business Observatory since 2016, in an article published by le grand circulation.

Displaying and claiming sport as an actor and spearhead of a Kingdom which proves that tradition, modernity and diversity are in harmony more than ever with the feminine is the leitmotif of a Morocco which believes in sport as unifying and emancipatory and which places more emphasis on than ever on its promotion to address dreaming and ambitious youth, underlines the founder of MediaSpoliS, specializing in media education and the production of content dedicated to female leadership.

First of all to young girls looking for role models ready to fully express themselves and exist in the Morocco of tomorrow who reaches out to them today and proudly opens their arms to them, notes the author, also the president of Radio Déclic, a media that gives voice to residents of working-class neighborhoods on major societal issues.

And to add that with the organization of the CAN 2022 for women which was held from July 2 to 23, Morocco displays its ambitions to know how to build and succeed through sport, specifying that in recent years, the plans development and access to sport for all have multiplied in the Kingdom.

The impact will have been carried and fully recognized by the round ball, which brought together an entire people and well beyond borders: football to convey values, to change the world’s view of the place of African women with female athletes who take their full place as ambassadors and “role models” to build the Morocco and Africa of tomorrow, it is argued.

A successful bet in the country which saw its players reach the final of the CAN 2022 and a great interest with a record attendance for the semi-finals, continues the author, who recalls the performance of the Atlas Lions, taken by Walid Regragui, to write one of the most beautiful pages in the history of African sport, establishing the Moroccan team as the standard bearer of a continent in search of recognition and conquering the world.

And to emphasize that this desire to show the passion for sport, the love of the jersey and that of an entire country was completely taken up and embodied by the women, who in turn, roared with one voice to win historically on the occasion of their first participation in the World Cup.

2024-05-09 12:35:11

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