The Bayt Mal Al-Quds Acharif Agency participates in the 29th edition of SIEL with a pavilion entitled “The Dome of the Rock”

by times news cr

2024-05-09 12:34:12

Spread over an area of ​​90 m², with an architecture combining authentic Moroccan character and Palestinian style, inspired by the monuments of the Al-Aqsa mosque, in particular “The Dome of the Rock”, this pavilion aims to be an integrated and intelligent space to welcome children and adults, underlines the Agency in a press release.

The pavilion is divided into a space dedicated to children, offering activities from the “Children’s Club for Al-Quds” and a special space dedicated to the “Bayt Al Maqdis Research and Study Center”, exhibiting the Agency’s publications ( books and periodicals…), in addition to a solidarity space open to the public to make a donation to the Palestinian brothers, under the sign “With them in times of crisis as in times of prosperity”.

Thus, the childhood space offers Moroccan children the opportunity to communicate with their Palestinian peers, through greeting cards that the Agency makes available to them, including expressions of solidarity and sympathy, which it will then deliver to several Palestinian schools, as part of a symbolic solidarity operation, reports the same source.

As for the space of the “Bayt Al Maqdis Research and Study Center”, it presents the results of the Agency’s publications for the current year and supervises the intellectual and cultural program of the participation of the Agency at SIEL, which stands out this year for the organization of an awards ceremony for the 5th edition of the “Colors of Al Quds” competition for the benefit of Moroccan and Palestinian schoolchildren, on May 16 in collaboration with the Academy of Education and Training of the Fez-Meknes region.

The “Le dôme du Rocher” pavilion will also welcome maqdessi students accompanied by their supervisors, visiting the Kingdom from May 13 to 16, at the initiative of the Higher Council for Education, Training and Scientific Research (CSEFRS). ).

The Pavilion is equipped with a large screen to project films and documentaries in order to present to visitors the various projects and programs carried out by the Agency in the city of Al Quds, the press release concludes.

2024-05-09 12:34:12

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