“Moscow withdraws military from the Ukrainian border”

by time news

Time.news – Russia must withdraw from the borders of Ukraine and, in the event of an attack, Joe Biden is preparing sanctions which could have a significant impact on the Russian economy. This is the warning that comes from the White House on the eve of the virtual vertex between the president of the United States and Vladimir Putin to be held at 16 Italian time.

Biden, had a telephone conversation with the Prime Minister, Mario Draghi, the British Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, the French President, Emmanuel Macron, and the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel.

In the conference call, in the so-called ‘Quint format’, in light of the “tensions between Russia and Ukraine”, the leaders of Germany, the United States, France, Italy and the United Kingdom “expressed their determination for the respect for sovereignty of Ukraine “and” their commitment to act to maintain peace and security in Europe “, reports the Elysée.

The White House stresses that the “shared concern for the Russian military build-up on the borders of Ukraine and the increasingly harsh rhetoric of Russia” was discussed and that the allies invited Moscow to relieve tension“.

Leaders also agreed that the diplomacy, especially through the Normandy Format, “is theonly way to resolve the conflict through the implementation of the Minsk agreements “.

The respective staff will keep “in close contact, also with consultations with NATO allies and partners of the European Union, with an inclusive and coordinated approach”.

White House spokesperson Jen Psaki stresses that the goal of the virtual summit with Putin “is to communicate diplomatically that it is time for Russia to withdraw its military forces on the border with Ukraine”, he adds.

But “other options are also ready”. Biden will clarify that “there will be significant and lasting costs if Russia chooses to go ahead with a military escalation,” an official said.

The United States and its European allies are ready to take “substantial economic countermeasures … which would impose a significant and serious economic damage to the Russian economy “, he adds. And in the afternoon Biden will consult the European allies on the sanctions.

Moscow denies any bellicose intentions and accuses the West of provocation, particularly with military exercises in the Black Sea, which it sees as part of its sphere of influence.


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