Mossad Chief to Meet with Qatar Prime Minister for New Prisoner Deal: Reports from “Walla!” Journalist

by time news

Mossad Head to Meet with Prime Minister of Qatar to Initiate New Prisoner Deal

In an attempt to initiate a new prisoner deal, the head of the Mossad, Dedi Barnea, is expected to meet with the Prime Minister of Qatar. This evening’s reported meeting comes after journalist Barak Ravid of “Walla!” broke the news. The meeting is expected to take place in one of the European countries.

Earlier this week, journalist Majdi Halabi reported that Qatar and Israel are conducting secret talks in one of the European capitals regarding another hostage release deal. However, Israeli officials have denied these reports. According to the report, the deal may include children, women, and men, with Israel releasing about 300 Palestinian prisoners in exchange. This would include ten veteran prisoners serving long prison terms, including Marwan Barghouti.

If successful, this prisoner deal would mark a significant development in the ongoing tensions and exchanges between Israel and Palestine. The potential release of prisoners on both sides has sparked hope and controversy, with some hailing it as a step towards peace, while others criticize the potential release of those involved in violent acts against the state of Israel.

As details continue to unfold, the outcome of the meeting between the Mossad head and the Prime Minister of Qatar will be closely watched and highly anticipated. The impact of any potential prisoner deal is sure to reverberate throughout the region and beyond.

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