Mourning in health for the murder of an ISSSTE doctor in Tabasco

by time news

2023-06-27 02:00:22

The murder of a doctor has filled the entire Mexican health union with outrage.
In 2020, the #NiUnaBataMenos movement was generated to demand an end to violence against medical personnel.
In recent years, attacks against health professionals in Mexico have increased.

Violence is one of the most serious problems affecting Mexico. It is not a new situation because it has existed for decades. But beyond knowing its origin, what really matters is achieving a real solution. Now no one is safe and the most recent unfortunate case is the murder of a doctor that has filled the entire health union with sadness.

In fact, it is necessary to remember that in 2020 the movement was generated #NiUnaBataMenos to demand an end to violence against medical personnel. At that time, from students to professional doctors, they led various public demonstrations. The general slogan was that their profession had become one of high risk.

In fact, they assured that the problems begin from the moment of complying with the social service. Every year thousands are sent to rural areas, which are characterized by their high danger. Precisely one of the refusals to go to this kind of sites is because there are no minimum security guarantees for young people.

Murder of ISSSTE doctor causes outrage

But now it is time to return to the present and specifically to an unfortunate case. It is about the murder of Williams Perez Ortizwho was doctor from the Institute of Security and Social Services for State Workers (ISSSTE) in Tabasco.

This unfortunate event occurred at the doctor’s home in the Fraccionamiento Hacienda de Buena Vista. According to the report, two subjects entered the doctor’s home through the use of violence.

Once there, they proceeded to take some valuables until the doctor arrived at their house. At that moment the thieves killed him and fled instantly.

According to some local media, an investigation folder has already been opened. It is hoped that with the help of surveillance cameras placed around the home it will be possible to identify the alleged culprits.

For their part, the doctor’s colleagues have condemned the murder and their main demand is that justice be done. Although they are aware that nothing can bring the doctor back, what they are asking for is the capture of those responsible for the crime.

Other recent attacks on medical personnel

Now, what causes more fear is that this murder of the doctor is added to other similar attacks that have occurred recently.

On September 2, 2021, we informed you of the murder of a neurosurgeon while he was driving his BMW car through the streets of Mexico City. The crime occurred in broad daylight and on one of the busiest avenues in the capital.

For its part, on September 9, a murder was recorded in Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua. The victim was Dr. Sergio Eduardo Espejo Guasco, who was traveling in his Mercedes Benz vehicle.

Another case occurred on the afternoon of September 13 in the city of Acapulco. While gastroenterologist Javier Kuri Guido was driving his BMW car along one of the main avenues, he was hit by an armed commando who was traveling on a motorcycle.

In all the cases mentioned, firearms were used and the motive for each crime is still not clear. But while before it was believed that it was dangerous to be a doctor in rural areas, now it has been shown that it is a high-risk profession in any part of the country. Even in the big cities, which are the most protected and have security cameras, attacks of this magnitude occur.

Also read:

#NiUnaBataMenos They carry out a march against the murders of doctors; AMLO answers them

Murder of IMSS doctor in his BMW saddens the health union

Mourning in health for the murder of a doctor in his own office in Jalisco

#Mourning #health #murder #ISSSTE #doctor #Tabasco

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