Mugger Crocodiles in India: Surprising Behaviors and Cognitive Abilities

by time news

Title: Mugger Crocodiles in India Display Surprising Behaviors, Study Suggests

Subtitle: Researchers observe hunting in packs, using bait, and saving a chased dog

Date: August 28, 2023

Location: Maharashtra, India

Scientists in India have made intriguing observations of mugger crocodiles (Crocodylus palustris) in the Savitri River, Maharashtra, revealing behaviors that challenge current beliefs about the species. These findings, published in the Journal of Threatened Taxa on August 26, suggest that mugger crocodiles possess cognitive abilities that are more advanced than previously thought.

The researchers documented various unusual behaviors displayed by the crocodiles. In one instance, they observed the crocodiles swimming in circles around schools of fish, creating a vortex, which effectively trapped the fish for consumption. Similar behavior has been seen in other crocodilian species.

Another interesting finding was the crocodiles using sticks as bait to lure wading birds, such as cattle egrets, that collect sticks for nest-building. By balancing twigs on their snouts, the crocodiles attempted to entice the birds. While this behavior has been reported anecdotally before, it is still a rare phenomenon.

The crocodiles also appeared to be attracted to flower garlands floating in the river during funeral rites. The researchers hypothesized that the crocodiles might be enticed by the color and antibacterial properties of the marigold flowers. However, it is worth noting that the crocodiles were simply found in proximity to the flowers and did not interact with or consume them.

However, the most surprising finding was the interaction between the mugger crocodiles and a feral dog. The researchers observed three crocodiles nudging the dog towards safety after it had been chased into the river by a pack of feral dogs. Instead of attacking and consuming the dog, the crocodiles seemed to be concerned for its wellbeing, guiding it away from danger and eventually helping it to escape.

Although these findings are intriguing, some experts remain skeptical. Duncan Leitch, a biologist specializing in the neurophysiology of reptiles at the University of California, Los Angeles, noted that the conclusions drawn by the researchers may be influenced by anthropomorphic interpretations of the crocodiles’ behaviors. While crocodilians do possess sophisticated behaviors and sensory systems, the extent of their intelligence is still a subject of debate.

Nonetheless, the observations made in this study provide potential avenues for further investigation. It is essential, however, for future research to adopt rigorous methodologies to establish scientific evidence beyond anecdotal observations.

The discoveries made by the researchers in India shed new light on the behaviors and capabilities of mugger crocodiles, revealing a more complex cognitive world than previously acknowledged. As scientists continue to explore and study these magnificent creatures, it is hoped that a clearer understanding of their behavior and intelligence will emerge.

Image Credit: Utkarsha Chavan/Chavan & Borkar 2023

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