Murder Willy, the Bianchi brothers: “We passed off as monsters” and try to unload the blame on Belleggia

by time news

They are accused of the murder of Willy Monteiro Duarte, the 21-year-old killed in Colleferro the night between 5 and 6 September last year during a brutal beating. Today the brothers Marco e Gabriele Bianchi – martial arts experts and already with precedents for drug dealing and injuries – in the courtroom attempted to unload the boy’s death on one of the other defendants. “I didn’t hit Willy in the chest, with a kick I hit him in the left side and pushed him. He fell but immediately got up again. Then I went away from the gardens “Marco Bianchi told the Court of Assizes of the Court of Frosinone, who added:” I did not understand that something serious had happened because I would never leave by car. While we were in the car, a friend of mine turned to Belleggia (Francesco another defendant ed) saying you are a piece of m … because you hit that boy … “. During the examination, the accused defined himself as a “simple boy divided between sports and friends”. A completely different portrait from the one reconstructed by the investigators and by those who knew them. “We were passed off as monsters, we only talked about the Bianchi brothers. Whatever we said we were attacked, a boy died – he claimed – but if I had hit him seriously I would never have left, leaving him there. If I was wrong, I would have no problem admitting it ”.

In the ordinance, the investigating judge of Velletri reconstructed the dynamics and reported the testimony of those who had seen the 21-year-old “lying on the ground, surrounded by four or five boys who hit him violently with kicks and punches”. Another reported seeing “the attackers” who “kept walking over him with their feet.” According to what was reconstructed, the Bianchi brothers and others had arrived on the spot called by a friend because there was a quarrel between some friends of Willy and Belleggia due to some comments made against a girl. The Bianchi brothers and Mario Pincarelli came to a quarrel but, as Belleggia himself testified, they began to “wildly beat” anyone who came within range and then raged on Willy. For this reason it was contested the aggravating circumstance of futile reasons “Connected to a dispute within a club”, and “taking advantage of circumstances of fear, now nocturnal such as to hinder private defense”.

“I have noticed that there has been a media hate towards us – said Gabriele Bianchi – The scum of Colleferro spoke ill of us: it is as if everyone wanted to put something against us; for this everyone says that I hit Willy because I was influenced by the media but I hit Samuele Cenciarelli (friend of Willy ed) in the chest who crashed into a car and for this I apologize. I saw Francesco Belleggia (another defendant ed) hit Willy like a coward with a kick in the face while he landed. He kicked him in the face and took a run. I expected Belleggia to take responsibility for what was done. I immediately wanted to say right away that it was his fault but my lawyer told me to wait “, added the accused explaining that in the car” while we were returning to Artena, a friend told him that he was an infamous for what He had done”. Belleggia gave the opposite version a year ago and denounced having received a piece of advice from the Bianchi brothers: to keep quiet.

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