Naples threatens prosecution of maker of toy inspired by Victor Osimhen

by time news

2023-10-06 15:31:10

Clearly Victor Osimehn is at the heart of many controversies these days. Naples, the reigning Italian champion, has threatened legal action against an Italian toy manufacturer which is preparing to market a baby doll inspired by its Nigerian striker. “This is an unofficial product, the production of which has not been authorized in any way by the club,” Napoli said in a statement released Thursday evening. “The club has therefore taken measures to protect its interests,” he continued, without giving further details.

Designed by the company Giochi Preziosi, which markets a famous collection of dolls and infants, the “Cicciobello Bomber” (“Bomber” for striker in Italian) does not use the name Osimhen or does not expressly refer to Naples. But like Osimhen, he wears a protective mask and an azure blue jersey stamped with the number 9, like the top scorer in Serie A last season, which is reminiscent of that of Napoli.

A former president of Genoa

Contacted by AFP, the Giochi Preziosi company has not yet responded. The founder and president of the company Enrico Preziosi was from 2003 to 2021 majority shareholder and president of Genoa, a club which made its return to the elite this season.

According to Corriere dello Sport, Giochi Preziosi has in the past marketed a “Cicciobello D1OS” curiously reminiscent of Napoli legend Diego Maradona. At the end of September, it was Osimhen’s agent who threatened Naples with legal action for having published a video on his TikTok account mocking the Nigerian player after a missed penalty.

The video was quickly removed from Napoli’s TikTok account, with the club indicating that it had not wanted to “hurt Osimhen or make fun of him”. The player then proclaimed his love for his club and the city.

#Naples #threatens #prosecution #maker #toy #inspired #Victor #Osimhen

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