National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan Urges Palestinian Leaders to Provide Security for Postwar Gaza Strip

by time news

Title: U.S. National Security Adviser Urges Palestinian Leaders to Provide Security for Gaza Strip

Date: Updated Dec. 15, 2023 5:51 pm ET

National security adviser Jake Sullivan has urged Palestinian leaders to help provide security for the postwar Gaza Strip, according to Palestinian officials. This comes a day after Sullivan pressed Israel to wind down its campaign against Hamas.

The U.S. and its Arab allies are concerned that without a strong security force in place, chaos could reign in the Gaza Strip, allowing Hamas to reassert itself. This is a pressing issue for the two million people in the region who have been desperate for food, water, and shelter for the past two months.

The call for Palestinian leaders to step up and provide security highlights the ongoing challenges in the region following the recent conflict. The U.S. and its allies are working to prevent a power vacuum that could lead to further instability, while also addressing the humanitarian needs of the population.

The situation in the Gaza Strip remains a top priority for international policymakers as they work to navigate the complex dynamics in the aftermath of the conflict. The efforts to ensure security and stability in the region will continue to be a focal point for the U.S. and its partners in the coming days.

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