National Tree Day, Legambiente’s invitation to celebrate nature by planting a seed-

by time news

A small gesture to celebrate nature. On the occasion of the Feast of the Tree, the National Day which is celebrated every year on November 21 to promote environmental protection, reduce pollution and enhance urban greenery, Legambiente invites us to create «Many communicating vessels“. The anniversary was established at a national level with a law of January 14, 2013 (even if, “it has its roots” in the distant 1898, thanks to the initiative of the then Minister of Public Education Guido Baccelli, November 25, 1830, Rome – January 10 1916, Rome).

One seed is enough

Like? A simple gesture is enough: each of us is called to plant a seed in a pot at home, a small tree in the garden or in an accessible public space. And, to become a “communicating vessel” of the initiative – even in the midst of a health emergency – by taking a photograph and posting it on social networks (the official hashtags of this edition are #VasiComunicanti and #FestadellAlbero).

A European green lung? 500 million trees in 5 years

On the occasion of the Day, Legambiente – moreover – gives the go-ahead to actions linked to the European project Life Terra, co-financed by the European Union under the Programma Life, in which 15 organizations from 8 different countries in Europe participate. Life Terra has the goal of plant 500 million trees over the next 5 years with the involvement of civil society and the world of education. «Let’s plant together» is the motto that guides from the initiative that intends to create a real movement of activist citizens who are mobilizing throughout Europe to mitigate the climate by planting trees. If planted in the vicinity of buildings, the association remembers, these can reduce the need to use air conditioners, allowing you to save from 20 to 50% of energy and lowering noise by up to 70% (read more here).

Data transparency

The European project also includes the introduction of a web platform for tree monitoring and the launch of an App, which will allow you to follow in such a way“Transparent” data relating to trees and their ability to retain CO2. It is precisely the aspect of monitoring in Italy that is lacking. There is no punctual census of the arboreal endowment and if 75% of the Municipalities have a green census, only just over 53% of the capitals have the land registry and only 44.8% have the urban green regulation. «The Life Terra project involves Legambiente together with international partners. In Italy, more than 9 million trees will be planted for the next 5 years and we will focus on growth of forests in our cities and in the most polluted areas of the country, such as the Po Valley, or in the valley floors where there is less forest cover and therefore more environmental problems, starting with hydrogeological instability “, he explains Antonio Nicoletti, Head of Protected Areas and Biodiversity of Legambiente. «It is not an aesthetic choice, but of benefits for the community: the fight against climate change must start from the urban environment and the most useful and immediate strategy is to plant new trees where they are needed ».

The Decalogue for the Forests of Italy

On the occasion of the Forum “The Bioeconomy of Forests” organized by Legambiente last November 19th, a day of discussion to reflect on role of forests in climate policies, Legambiente has proposed a decalogue on biodiversity and the protection of the planet. Among the points highlighted the need to promote sustainable forest management forguarantee the delivery of all ecosystem services ; to strengthen sustainable forestry chains and local productions; to curb the abandonment of the mountain; prevent degradation and risks for the territory; ofmaking cities greener and resilient to climate change

. Here are the points of the Decalogue: 1.
Healthy ecosystems and resilient forests to curb the effects of climate change 2.
Create the national network of ancient and primary forests
and the Sanctuaries of biodiversity 3.
Increase the protected territory to increase forest biodiversity 4.
Prevent and reduce natural hazards for forests 5.
Create urban forests to regenerate cities and fight the climate crisis. 6.
Ensure the dissemination of forest planning and certification 7.
Establish a national Wood Cluster to support
local supply chains and made in Italy 8.
Increase the use of wood in production processes
and the cascade use for energy purposes 9.

Support the circular bioeconomy and finance biodiversity
and green infrastructure 10.

Countering the illegal trade in wood and forest products

The National Forum “The Bioeconomy of Forests” is the fourth of seven thematic meetings organized by Legambiente with institutions, companies and associations to identify the best proposals for the National Recovery and Resilience Plan that the Italian Government will have to present in Europe by April 2021.

November 21, 2020 (change November 21, 2020 | 14:00)



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