Nearly 200 cases of monkeypox reported in 20 countries: WHO | In 20 countries, 200 people are infected with monkey flu: WHO

by time news

A type of monkey flu called monkey box has begun to spread and warnings have been issued around the world. The World Health Organization has warned India to be vigilant.


The World Health Organization (WHO) said on Friday that 200 cases of monkey flu had been reported in more than 20 countries. (May 27).


Although no cases of monkey flu have been reported in India so far, West Bengal is on alert. Officials said Mamata Banerjee’s government had asked hospitals in the state to set up separate facilities to accommodate patients coming from abroad with symptoms of monkey flu. “Although there are no cases of monkey flu in India, the possibility of the disease in India cannot be ruled out as new cases have been detected in various countries,” the health ministry said in a statement. (Pic: Reuters)


Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) Director General Samiran Panda said, “No one in India has any symptoms of monkey flu, but we should be cautious.” Should be isolated as soon as symptoms such as fever and headache appear. “(Pic: Reuters)


ICMR scientist Dr Aparna Mukherjee said, “India is at high risk of infection due to the rapid spread of the disease in Europe, the US and other countries. However, no cases have been reported in India so far.” He stressed that those with a travel history from should be closely monitored. (pic: Reuters)


Argentina on Friday announced that a man who recently traveled to Spain has been infected with the monkey box virus. (Pic: Reuters)


UN warns of monkey flu outbreak outside Africa The health agency said there were still unanswered questions about the unprecedented spread. (Pic: Reuters)


Earlier this week, monkey pox was reported in Europe, the United States, Israel, Australia, Spain and Belgium. The WHO’s top adviser said the disease had a significant change from the common form of the disease that spreads in central and western Africa. (Pic: IANS)

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