Never print by mail at a stationery store – 2024-05-12 04:45:24

by times news cr

2024-05-12 04:45:24

When you go to the corner copy shop, none of this happens. They simply open your email, print your documents and you leave with your sheets of paper. Do you realize what happened along the way? Indeed, your files have been saved on the computer or in the mailbox of that stationery store. Or both.

To give you an idea, someone with access to your ID can make purchases in installments in online stores, falsify information, commit crimes under your name, make changes to the services you have contracted or carry out bureaucratic procedures that you have not authorized. You are probably now thinking about all those times you have gone to make a copy at a stationery store.

Everything gets worse if the documents include more personal information, bank accounts, medical situations and much more. This data is staying in the mailboxes of stationery storeswithout realizing it and hoping in good faith that they will be erased over time.

To make matters worse, it is possible that the owner of the stationery store is a beautiful person, but no one can assure you that a ataque phishing to your inbox leave the door open to a hacker with, now, total probability of using data with bad intentions.

Therefore, think carefully about what type of documents you are sending to your stationery store’s mailbox. Of course, our recommendation is because we never print nothing personal with this method.

Be careful with printing tickets or projects

Well, okay, no personal information, anything else? It is also not advisable to print tickets for concerts or plays at stationery stores. These do not usually contain personal data, but therein lies the problem, which Anyone with the barcode can replace you to see Taylor Swift. If the copy shop agent acts in bad faith, she could attend the event or sell the tickets online.

Finally, we cannot stop talking to you about any file that contains a project, an idea or something that has cost you effort to do. You are unconsciously sending that work to a person who you don’t know what they will do with it. The most normal thing is that you end up deleting the inbox, but, as we have already indicated before, no one can guarantee this.

Whenever you can, use a USB memory

Don’t worry, you won’t have to buy a printer to get your documents safely. There is the possibility of doing it with a less intrusive method for your privacy. Instead of sending the files by email, put them on a USB stick and take it to the stationery store.

All you have to do is give the pendrive to the clerk, select the documents and print them without them going through the mailbox. It is a more secure method for your files, personal information or confidential data, but not definitive. Again, if the person managing it has bad intentions, they could quickly copy the files to their PC if you were careless.

The definitive method is to have a printer

As you can see, printing at a stationery store is a risky sport for your privacy, which It depends a lot on the morality of the owner and his computer security.. Even so, saying goodbye to danger with 100% effectiveness is possible, but only if you go to the checkout to buy one. personal printer.

The market is *crowded with options* for all types of needs: printing a few sheets a month, focusing on printing photographs, giving it intensive use with a minimum cost per copy and a very long etcetera.

Here are some recommendations with a variety of prices and technologies that cover the most typical needs that a home may require.


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