New Lava Jato judge removed by TRF-4

by time news

2023-05-23 03:58:10

Reproduction/Federal Justice

Eduardo Fernando Appio

This Monday (22), Judge Eduardo Appio was removed from the 13th Federal Court of Curitiba by the Council of the Federal Regional Court of the 4th Region (TRF-4). As of now, he is no longer the holder of Operation Lava Jato in Paraná.

The decision came after a representation by the federal judge Marcelo Malucelli. The magistrate alleged that his son, João Eduardo Barreto Malucelli, received “threats” through a phone call.

According to the complaint, the call came from an unidentified number and the person introduced himself as Fernando Gonçalves Pinheiro, an alleged employee of the health sector of the Federal Justice. But there is no employee with that name working at the site.

Malucelli is the father of a partner of former judge Sergio Moro. The judge placed himself as a suspect to analyze any case that is part of Operation Lava Jato.

The TRF-4 Council argued that there are indications that Eduardo Appio was responsible for calling Marcelo’s son. So it was decided that the judge stay away.

From now on, the now former owner of Lava Jato will have 15 days to present his defense. People close to Appio bet that the CNJ (National Council of Justice) will overturn the decision.

Eduardo Appio

New Lava Jato judge, Appio is known to be against the working methods adopted by Sergio Moro, formerly responsible for the operation. He came to assume this Monday, in an interview with Estúdio i, a GloboNews program, that he was against the arrest of President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva.

“A few years ago, when President Lula was still in prison, my acronym for accessing the Federal Justice system was ‘LUL22’. At the time I worked with social security matters and this was an isolated, individual protest against a prison that I considered illegal. And then, in fact, the STF [Supremo Tribunal Federal] deemed the arrest illegal,” he explained.

Eduardo Appio said the protest was isolated and individual. “I think that the current President Lula is a very important historical figure for the country. hits and misses [de Lula] will be judged by the Justice”, he added.

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