New Study: Link Between Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Stroke Revealed

by time news

2023-06-18 02:00:53

Communication agencies:

A new study has linked the disease to chronic inflammatory bowel disease and stroke.

Inflammatory bowel:

The study said that people with inflammatory bowel diseases are 13% more likely to have a stroke after 25 years after their diagnosis, according to the “Neurology” magazine.

“In people with IBD, it may be more urgent for physicians to investigate and control stroke risk factors,” said lead author Dr. Jiangui Sun, from the Karolinska Institutet, Sweden.

85 thousand patients:

The study included more than 85,000 patients with IBD, and the cases were confirmed by biopsy.

The researchers matched each patient with up to five others of the same year of birth, sex, and place of residence, who were not infected, bringing the total number of study participants to 406,000.

After a 12-year follow-up, and taking into account other factors affecting stroke, it was found that people with IBD were 13% more likely to have a stroke than those without it.

Blockage of blood flow to the brain:

The researchers found that the cause of the increased risk was a stroke resulting from a blockage of blood flow to the brain, rather than a hemorrhagic stroke caused by bleeding in the brain. Because inflammatory bowel disease and stroke have common genetic components.

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