News 24 | King Khaled Hospital in Tabuk succeeds in removing a piece of stone from a child’s chest

by time news

A medical team at King Khalid Hospital in Tabuk managed to remove a large piece of stone from the chest of a child, which led to his cyanosis, severe coughing, and a drop in his oxygen level.

The chest x-rays conducted for the child showed the presence of a foreign body in the main right bronchus and an expansion in the left lung. The treating team transferred him to the operating room after providing him with first aid.

The foreign body, which is a large piece of stone, was removed by a rigid bronchoscope, and the child’s condition is currently stable and he is in good health under medical care at the hospital.

It is noteworthy that, during the past three months, King Khalid Hospital performed more than 353 operations within one-day operations.

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