news | Russia kills Ukraine in an instant! 600 asylum seekers were killed

by time news

Malayalee News

The Ukrainian government estimates that 300 people have been killed in the attacks. But the Associated Press (AP) reported with evidence that close to 600 people had been killed. The AP report was compiled by 23 people who survived the airstrikes and met with rescue workers. Witnesses said there were 100 people in the kitchen outside the theater at the time of the attack and none of them escaped.

The inside of the building was also crowded with people. It is estimated that at least 1,000 people were inside when the attack took place. At least 200 people may have escaped the adventure. Russia has long since broken the beautiful theater invitation that has existed for more than 60 years in the heart of Mariupol.

It was once known as the Russian Dramatic Theater. In 2015, local authorities removed the word Russian. He also ordered that only Ukrainian citizens perform in the theater. Russia besieged Mariupol in the first week of March. Captured, including theater staff.

The UN Human Rights Council estimates that 200 children and 3,238 civilians have been killed in Ukraine since Russia invaded. But this is not the case and the exact figure is expected to be much higher. The broken sky scene and photos in the theater are spreading on social media.

Russia estimates that Ukraine will not be able to launch a major offensive until it receives weapons from the West by the middle of next month. However he acknowledged that their numbers were not enough to defeat Russia’s World War II victory.

Russia’s attempt to seize control of the port city of Mariupol continues. About 2,000 fighters continued their heavy attack on the Azovstal steel plant, where the light war continued. Russia has rejected a ceasefire requesting a ceasefire to evacuate 200 civilians living in bunkers here. But that does not stop ordinary people from evacuating during the day. Russia continues heavy shelling in Donetsk and Luhansk. It targets railway stations that deliver arms and ammunition.

Following the European Union’s move to suspend oil and gas imports from Russia, member states began preparing for it. The resolution must be approved by each country. The Russian company Gasprom began filling up an abandoned Rahdan gas depot in Germany.

U.S. President Joe Biden has said he supports Sweden’s and Finland’s efforts to join NATO and will provide protection to Sweden until the process is completed. It is alleged that the ambassador provided the information to Ukraine.

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