“Next to – not behind – a great woman, there was a great man, at home”

by time news

2023-10-20 06:30:49

The centenary of the birth of the pianist Alicia de Larrocha arrives in Girona today. The House of Culture hosts a tribute concert (8pm), preceded by a talk with Larrocha’s daughter, Alicia Torra (6:30pm), and the opening of an exhibition that can be visited until November 18

Does a pianist mother make the piano boring?

On the contrary (laughs). What it does do is make you not want to do it professionally. Of course, we have a love for music, both my brother and I.

Wasn’t it tiring to hear her rehearse at home at all hours?

It was already part of normalcy. The background music was usual, at home. When the mother was there, of course, because there was little.

With so many absences from your mother, did you become jealous of the piano?

No jealousy, but when we were kids, the day I left on tour was a drama. We didn’t understand why he was leaving. It was also very hard for her, leaving two small children at home. Over time, we got used to it and began to understand what our mother was doing. As a child it was hard, yes. Of course: when he came back, it was a party.

Plays the piano?

I play it, but by ear. I haven’t studied music. You need a blacksmith, a wooden spoon.

To avoid comparisons?

I just never thought about it. And studying music made me lazy.

Enough to look good if guests come to the house, right?

Not even that. I don’t like playing in front of people. I play for myself, for my own enjoyment.

Does he still listen to his mother’s recordings?

Of course. And since I am dedicated to the preservation and dissemination of his legacy, every day I review documents, audios, videos… I listen to him a lot. And what remains for me to hear, still. We have a lot of recordings I’ve never heard.

Is Alicia de Larrocha recognized enough, in Catalonia?

She never wanted to be popular or in the media, she had a hard time if she had to talk to the media. I avoided it. And if you don’t appear in the media, people on the street don’t know you. She is recognized in the music world, but she is not popular.


Classical music doesn’t move crowds. Is it like that. If a performer is well-known, it is because he has been in the media a lot, like Callas for being Onassis’ wife, or Casals for his statements for peace. Or for controversial issues, like Plácido Domingo. Hardly anyone knows La Victoria de los Ángeles, but La Caballé, who made commercials and sang at the Olympics, does.

Did you have more difficulties because of being a woman?

He always said no. He was in no hurry, and the way was opening up for him. He was lucky. And she had a very important support, which was her husband, my father. It helps a lot if your partner is your biggest fan and commits to helping you in everything so that you can leave in peace. He took care of the children and helped him prepare the programs, because he was also a pianist.

Did he stay in the shadows?

He recognized my mother’s talent and it was clear that she was the one who had to go out and do concerts. He dedicated his whole life to facilitating his musical career. Not all women have had it, there have been many who have had to sacrifice their careers because the man did not want to take care of the children and they had to take care of them. Not just artists. In those days it was like that. My mother was lucky to have a person by her side who always supported her.

Behind a great woman, is there always a great man?

In this case, next to – not behind – a great woman, there was a great man.

Did Alicia de Larrocha live in Wonderland?

He was lucky enough to earn a living from his vocation. However, when there are too many concerts, this ideal disappears, it becomes almost slavery. You hardly have time to study, then the anxiety comes: “I’m not getting there, I’m not getting there”.

And why didn’t he slow down?

This happened when my father died. My mother found herself destitute, she had lost her support, and she took refuge in music. His representative in the United States took advantage of this, above all. “This is mine,” he thought, and scheduled one concert after another. She let herself get carried away, and the thing became distressing, a life not at all wonderful or idyllic.

#great #woman #great #man #home

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