Niño Becerra’s hopeless message about the economy

by time news

2023-11-04 17:40:44

The economist Santiago Niño Becerra has launched a hopeless message on Spanish economyfocusing on the unemployment rate and the country’s low productivity.

“It gives the impression that Spain has entered that scene from ‘A Night at the Opera’ in which Groucho tells Chico that ‘the contracting party of the first party…'”, writes the economist on his social networks.

Las current unemployment figures in Spain they are unaffordable for Niño Becerra. “An unemployment rate of 12.6%, a youth unemployment of 26%a 15% involuntary part-time employment rate, and a poverty rate among employed people of 14%; and with an activity rate of 59% and with an unknown number of inactive people who are not unemployed,” describes the professor.

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“Spain has almost half of its population capable of being active who are not, and a substantial part of those who want to work who not needed or underemployed and underpaidlargely because their productivity is low or very low,” he says.

Although he rules out that politicians are to blame for the current economic situation. “I think those are the reasons why (insufficient) employment is seen to be losing steam. And no: in that It has nothing to do with who is in La Moncloa“The issue goes back a long way,” he concludes.

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