‘No one rapes without opening the door’; Criticism of Swasika | swasika | actress | malayalam film industry | sexual abuse | | Entertainment News

by time news

Actress Swasika’s remark that women are safe in the film industry and nobody seems to rape anyone in the work space is in controversy. Women are attacked in the workplace for not saying no where they should have said no. It is necessary to acquire the courage to react immediately when misbehavior occurs. Besides, Swasika said that she did not see any logic in coming up with MeToo after so many years. In an interview given to an online channel, Swasika was referring to the question of whether there is a need for WCC in the film industry.

‘I don’t know what the function of WCC is. If I face any problem, I will react immediately from there. That is what should be taught to women first. Will we get immediate justice if we go to WCC or any other organization? Go to the police station or the women’s commission and tell them? Why say in a place like WCC? No one else can enter the locked room unless we open it. I don’t think someone rapes by forcing them into a room. They are asking us to do it. All women have the ability to resist it. Cinema is the safest place where we can work than any other place. Swasika said.

Many people have reacted against Swasika’s remarks. The main criticism is that Swasika is doing victim blaming. Another criticism is that Swasika spoke against the meet without any understanding of the psychological trauma and trauma experienced by women who are raped.

If one no is enough, questions are being raised in connection with Jisha’s murder and the issue of the actress being attacked as to why women are attacked so much in the society. Critics also ask that Swasika should think about whether the society around us accepts if we say no.

criticism of Swasika’s remarks on rape

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