North Korea fires multiple rocket launchers

by time news

North Korea fired several rocket launchers on Sunday, according to the South Korean army, while the peninsula is currently experiencing renewed tension linked to Pyongyang’s multiplication of weapons tests.

• Read also: Washington accuses North Korea of ​​testing a new intercontinental missile system

• Read also: North Korea fires ‘unidentified projectile’

Since the beginning of the year, Pyongyang has carried out ten major weapons tests, including two described as launches of “reconnaissance satellites” by North Korea, and as tests of an intercontinental ballistic missile system ( ICBM) by Seoul and Washington.

“There was fire this morning, which we suspect came from multiple rocket launchers,” South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff said in a statement.

“Our military maintains a firm posture of defense readiness while closely monitoring related developments,” he added, without giving further details.

Within an hour, from 7:20 a.m. (22:20 GMT) four shots were fired in the direction of the sea west of North Korea, from an unspecified location in South Pyongan province, Yonhap News Agency reported citing officials who requested anonymity.

South Korea’s National Security Council held an emergency meeting and called for stepping up preparations to “prevent any security vacuum during the country’s transition period,” according to a statement from the presidential headquarters.

President-elect Yoon Suk-yeol will be sworn in on May 10 after winning the March 9 election.

Pyongyang has long had the ability to destroy Seoul, located about 60 kilometers from the border, with artillery fire.

The United States has some 28,500 soldiers stationed in the South, in order to protect the country against its neighbor.

Sunday’s firings come days after Pyongyang carried out a failed test, which analysts say could be of a new intercontinental ballistic missile.

The United States and South Korea suspect Pyongynag is preparing to fire an ICBM, the Hwasong-17, dubbed the “monster missile” by military analysts.

North Korea will celebrate the 110th anniversary of the birth of Kim Il Sung, the regime’s founder, on April 15. Many experts expect a missile launch on this occasion.

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