North Korea Missile Test: 2nd time in one week – North Korea missile test! – north korea fires second suspected missile in less than a week

by time news


  • 2nd time in the same week
  • North Korea missile test!

North Korea’s two missile tests in the same week have caused a stir.

The occasional missile test by North Korea, an East Asian country, has caused a stir in neighboring countries. North Korea’s missile test, despite warnings from around the world, has sparked political unrest.

North Korea test-fired a state-of-the-art ballistic missile off the east coast of the country on Wednesday. In this situation, North Korea is conducting another missile test. Japan has expressed concern over the test of the missile off the east coast.
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Countries including the United States, France, Ireland, Britain and Albania have called for a series of missile tests on North Korea. North Korea’s second missile test in a single week has sparked controversy.


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