“Nothing will change for the French” in 2024, announces Minister Olivia Grégoire

by time news

2023-11-14 21:42:23

It will remain possible to use meal vouchers to pay for all food shopping, announced Tuesday, November 14, the Minister for Trade, Olivia Grégoire, while the list of eligible products was to be shortened on January 1, 2024. The measure in force since August 2022 “will continue throughout 2024” et “nothing will change for the French”she said on M6.

Earlier in the day, the Minister of the Economy, Bruno Le Maire, said he « favorable » to an extension « beyond December 31, 2023 [de] this provision allowing meal vouchers to be used to purchase food products”before the Senate Economic Affairs Committee.

Several parliamentarians and a number of users have expressed concern in recent days about the restrictions on the use of these titles, which were to take effect from January 1, 2024. “If inflation falls sharply and we are (…) having emerged from the inflationary crisis, nevertheless the increase in food prices remains very penalizing for millions of our compatriots”argued Mr. Le Maire.

Since August 2022, the use of meal vouchers has been extended to all food products, even if they are not directly consumable without cooking or preparation (flour, pasta, rice, eggs, fish, meat, etc.). But this exemption was to end on January 1, 2024. “Is it easy to do?” »asked Bruno Le Maire about a possible extension of the exemption. “No, because we need a legislative provision”he noted.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers “The dematerialization of meal vouchers carries with it the usual curses of digital society”

“We are currently studying the legislative possibilities which would make it possible to extend this right of use beyond December 31, 2023”he continued. “As I speak to you, I do not have the legislative solution. I tell you very simply, but I am in favor of this extension”insisted the number two in the government.

Bronca of political leaders

Until the exemption, meal vouchers were used to pay only for meals, ready meals, prepared salads, sandwiches (served on site or to take away) as well as fruit and vegetables or dairy products. The date of December 31, 2023 was included in the law of August 16, 2022 relating to emergency measures for the protection of purchasing power.

This deadline has raised a real eyebrow in recent hours. “The government did not anticipate the end of the measures within the framework of the purchasing power bill. It seems completely absurd to us to stop it so suddenly on December 31.”, castigated Aude Luquet, deputy for Seine-et-Marne (MoDem). It’s about a “socially dramatic measure for millions of French people caught in the throat by inflation. This indifference to suffering is no longer acceptable”protested Marine Le Pen on the social network.

Hadrien Clouet, La France insoumise deputy for Haute-Garonne, denounced, also on, “a financial and health scandal”. “While inflation on consumer products has reached 21% in two years, I am convinced that this decision is very bad news for the purchasing power of the French and for the balance of our plates”added the senator from Alpes-Maritimes, Alexandra Borchio Fontimp (Les Républicains).

“The idea was to strengthen the purchasing power of households in a period of crisis, but (…) purchasing power is still very tested”had noted on Franceinfo Nadia Ziane, director of the consumption department of the Rural Families association, also calling for this to be perpetuated “small measure which allowed us to have a little breathing room at the end of the month”.

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Meal vouchers are used today by more than 5 million employees to pay for meals or food services with some 234,000 approved merchants. At the beginning of October, Olivia Grégoire, Minister for Trade, announced their “dematerialization” avant 2026.

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