NPO: ‘People are no longer concerned with corona!’ So we need to be really scared

by time news

The NPO finds it a huge problem that people lose their fear of corona. More attention needs to be paid to this, the government must “communicate” about this a lot. Everyone has to hit the triple booster – with the story that you’re doing it “for someone else”.

Most people are no longer concerned with corona. Yes, there are still reports of infections and deaths, but the average citizen sees that it is not much more significant than the flu in terms of impact on life. if governments hadn’t panicked (or used it to push through another agenda), there would have been no social unrest at all.

At the NPO they find that very annoying. And so they got a behavioral scientist on Radio 1 who proudly says that this is very problematic. Governments should “communicate” more about corona, because boys, boys, it cannot and should not be the case that people are no longer terrified.

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“People are in a summer mood, in a holiday mood,” says behavioral scientist Bas van den Putte. “They prefer to think of fun things.” Nothing wrong with that, of course, certainly not after the past two years.

But the gentleman thinks otherwise. This positivity “forces the idea of ​​vaccination” into the background. Like the presenter he finds that problematic.

What would he do about that? “I recommend that you keep communicating about it CONSTANTLY. So you have to think of, ‘there is still a corona crisis, and it’s probably going to pick up, prepare for that.’ I think you have to constantly communicate about what people are doing.”

In other words, be afraid, be very afraid.

“It’s not just about vaccinating,” the fear monger continues happily, “it’s about protecting the weak. So also think about if you visit a weaker, get yourself tested beforehand. To be on the safe side, or if you’re going somewhere busy, wear a face mask just to be safe.”

Yes, you read that right. This one behavioralscientist who therefore has zero knowledge of health comes up with all kinds of so-called ‘solutions’ that a) make people terrified of human contact, b) limit us enormously, and c) don’t help anything. Oh, and of course there’s also the point that we know that ‘more testing’ produces more ‘infections’ – from people who are not bothered by anything at all, but who do increase the numbers which can be used for panic.

And worst of all? The presenter closes with, “Indeed, all sounds from a past that is far away, but also very soon close again.”

Sir already knows that the government and the media will soon be going full on the terrifying organ again. The plan is already in place. They just have to wait until after the summer. Give people some breathing room to be able to grab them even harder afterwards.

Or well, that’s not entirely true either, because of course they used the intervening period to talk us into a climate crisis and a water crisis. Two more crises – which do not exist – that we should absolutely be very afraid of. Terrified, even.

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These people are incredibly fake. Everyone can see by now that the fear was totally exaggerated. So it is now up to ordinary people – ordinary citizens – to keep their backs straight and make it clear to those crazy corona fascists that we are here. not to participate. They can shout what they want, they can demand what they want, but we just go on with our lives.

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