Omicron variant, from Mozambique to Rome, Caserta and Milan: first case in Italy

by time news

From Mozambique passing through Rome, Caserta and Milan. This the ‘journey’ of the Omicron variant through the first case identified in Italy. It is a 55-year-old man, vaccinated with two doses and with few symptoms. The company manager originally from the province of Campania he returned from Mozambique in recent days landing, explains the Corsera, in Fiumicino and then stop in Caserta and then travel to Milan where, finally, he tested positive for Covid-19 with a genomic sequence attributable to the variant discovered in South Africa and Botswana. Variant B.1.1.529 was sequenced by the Clinical Microbiology, Virology and Bioemergency Diagnostic Laboratory of the Sacco hospital. “The epidemiological investigations were carried out by Ats Milano and the Local Health Authority under the responsibility of the Campania Region. Sequencing has already been scheduled on the samples of the patient’s family contacts who were positive and resident in the Campania region, whose laboratories have been alerted and are already working to obtain genomic results in a short time. At the moment no positive contacts have been identified in Lombardy “, explains the ISS.

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Five family members of the man, who would show no symptoms, in isolation. “The patient and his family contacts are in good health,” the Higher Institute of Health said in a statement.


But what is the danger of the new variant? How contagious is it? Does the vaccine hole? Initially identified in South Africa and Botswana, Omicron becomes an unknown at the international level. In the absence of data, it is not easy to answer at the moment. The symptoms, according to information from South Africa, do not appear to vary from those produced by the Delta variant. AND’ It is premature to talk about vulnerable vaccines, even though Pfizer and Moderna are ready to develop updated versions of their drugs.

L’Omicron’s identikit is outlined by the WHO, which ‘promoted’ the variant to ‘worry’ status. Variant B.1.1.529 was first reported to WHO from South Africa on 24 November. The epidemiological situation in the country was characterized by three distinct peaks in the reported cases, the last of which was mainly from the Delta variant.

In recent weeks, however, “infections shot up – reads the note from the WHO – coinciding with the detection of variant B.1.1.529. The first known confirmed infection from B.1.1.529 was from a sample collected on November 9, 2021. “The data suggests that” Omicron may have a growth advantage “and therefore be more contagious,” in addition to the aforementioned increased risk of reinfection. compared to other variants of concern “.

The African covid variant was detected in just over 80 samples according to data provided by experts from African CDC centers. What is worrying is the presence of over 30 mutations in the Spike protein region alone, responsible for the entry of the coronavirus Sars-CoV-2 into human cells.. “The variant B.1.1.529 shows more mutations in the genome of the virus”, reiterate the experts of the African CDC. “Some have been detected in earlier variants, such as Alpha and Delta, and have been associated with increased transmissibility and immune evasion.” In other words, clues abound about the increased contagiousness.

However, many of the other mutations identified, the Cdc point out, are not yet well characterized and have not been identified in other variants currently in circulation. Further investigations are therefore underway to determine the possible impact on the ability of the virus to spread more efficiently, to affect vaccine efficacy and evade the immune response, and to the ability to cause more severe or milder diseases.

Waiting for more detailed feedback, it is hypothesized that the variant may be more contagious than the previous ones. “From the first epidemiological data, the Omicron variant would really seem more contagious than the Delta. At the moment, more than 500 sequences have already been made in the laboratories of South Africa, with which we are in constant contact. Epidemiology tells us that it is supplanting the Delta variant. . Certain information, however, will come from molecular data, both as regards contagiousness and as regards the ability of vaccines to protect. And the analyzes are already underway “, explains Massimo Ciccozzi, head of the Unit of Medical Statistics and Epidemiology of the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the Campus Bio-Medico of Rome, already activated on the study of the brand new variant.

According to data from South African laboratories “in the country, with the Omicron variant, there is an R0 of 1.34. This means that the epidemic is no longer under control. The phenomenon may be linked to the greater contagiousness of the new variant. but other elements must also be taken into account such as the very low percentage of vaccination coverage in the country, around 20%, and the scarce use of anti Covid measures, very far from our standards. It is certain, however, that, at the moment, in South Africa, Omicron runs faster than the Delta “.

In this variant, adds Ciccozzi, “there are all the mutations of the single variants seen so far. All together on the same Spike protein. And, at least on the epidemiological level, Omicron seems to be in a rush at the moment. “

Tracking is therefore of greater importance. The Ministry of Health recommends strengthening and monitoring the tracking and sequencing activities in the case of travelers from countries with diffusion of the Omicron variant and their contacts or in cases of outbreaks characterized by rapid and anomalous increase in cases, in addition to promptly and scrupulously apply the already planned quarantine and isolation measures.

Rapid in spreading, but we do not know if it is capable of causing serious illness. The vaccine, now more than ever, remains fundamental, together with the use of the mask “, says Franco Locatelli, coordinator of the Technical Scientific Committee, in an interview with Corriere della Sera.” It is not clear to date whether this strain will have greater capacity to cause serious illness – explains Locatelli -. But attention must be kept at the highest level and Minister Speranza did well first, followed by the other EU Ministers, to promptly interrupt accesses and flights from the 8 countries that have been hit by them “.

As for the resistance to vaccines of the new variant, “is the crucial question – says Locatelli – The presence of mutations in the regions of the Spike protein recognized by antibodies or lymphocyte T cells could partially reduce the effectiveness of vaccines. However, only further evaluations will give us an evidence-based answer. “And he recommends” vaccines and caution. The more favorable situation in Italy compared to that of almost all other European countries is due to the large percentage of completely immunized subjects. In the lower-risk age group, that is, between 12 and 59, in the last month, 23 of the nearly 46 million vaccinated people were hospitalized in intensive care compared to 179 of the 6.5 million unvaccinated “.

As for the children under 12 years old, he says: “Children must be offered vaccination to protect their health, to promote their school attendance and to protect social, playful and recreational activities, the deprivation of which has a negative impact on development. Pediatric vaccines will be available at some point. day before Christmas and we will proceed with a dosage that is equal to one third of that of adults by administering two doses 3 weeks apart “. And he concludes: “The moment is delicate and the invitation, once again, is for those who have never been vaccinated, not to delay and for those who, on the other hand, are already vaccinated to proceed with the third dose”.

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