Or Amrami Brockman and Yam Refaeli in a joint single

by time news

Bergson Bow, Knitted News08.05.22 10:39 Z. Bayer Tishpev

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Or Amrami Brockman and Yam Refaeli in a joint single

(Photo: PR)

Or Amrami Brockman and Yam Refaeli met for a writing session and the connection was immediate. Without meaning to, a love song came out called: “Madness”, each from his own point of view on it.

During the period each released successful songs that touched tens of thousands of people and reached strong figures in the new media. Yam Refaeli thrilled with “When the pain will find friends”, “Words I would say only to you”, “Fire and plumes of smoke”, “I can not get out of my head”, and Or Amrami Brockman thrilled with “Where did I come from”, “Where are you today”, “Pink Glamor”.

Or Amrami Brockman won the prestigious International Actor of the Year award for his role in the acclaimed series ‘Echo of Your Voice’ at the French festival ‘Series Mania’, and is currently starring in the Habima National Theater in the musical ‘The Sixteenth Lamb’.

Yam Refaeli in the first role in the world of acting in the leading Israeli musical in the national theater, the musical “The Band” based on the mythological and successful film of Avi Nesher and Sharon Harel, directed by Tzadi Tzarfati. The musical began its nationwide tour last April.

Listen to the new single:

The two combine voices in an exciting and beautiful song “Madness” which they wrote and composed themselves for a musical arrangement and production by Ariel Tuchman.

Yam Refaeli – “I wrote this song for my partner and for me it does not matter how many times I tell her I love her, it will never fill this space left between the word and what I really feel. Because trying to quantify an emotion and pretend to explain it – it’s like trying “Pour all over the sea. It’s crazy love.”

Or Amrami Brockman – “When I start creating a new song, I never really know what came out in the end. The musical connection with Yam was very special and thanks to this connection the song” Madness “was born. “Like love. A year later I am completely ready to expose you to our joint work and it is indeed madness.”

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