Osimhen considers suing his club because of a Tik Tok video

by time news

2023-09-27 10:34:41

Maximum seizure in the Naples because of a TikTok video from the club’s official account in which he made fun of his star, the Nigerian Victor Osimhenfor missing a penalty last day against the Bologna. The striker’s indignation is so great that, through his lawyer, he has threatened to take legal action against the Italian entity.

Napoli, next rival Real Madrid in the group stage of the Championsdeleted the video as soon as he realized the nonsense, but Osimhen has not been satisfied and is considering the idea of ​​suing his club.

The footballer’s agent, Roberto Calenda, has issued a statement in which he accuses Napoli of “causing very serious damage to the player” and in which he announces that they reserve “the right to take legal action and any useful initiative to protect Victor “.

“A serious incident that causes very serious damage to the player and adds to the treatment that the boy is suffering in the last period between media trials and fake news,” the note adds.

“What happened today on Napoli’s official profile on the TikTok platform is not acceptable. First, a video mocking Víctor was made public and then, although belatedly, deleted,” Calenda notes in his statement.

Another video?

It also seems that there is another alleged video deleted by the club in which Osimhen’s hairstyle is compared to a coconut, although the lawyer does not mention it.

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The Nigerian striker was substituted in the match against Bologna (0-0) and showed his anger with a gesture of disapproval towards his coach, Rudi García. Hours later, the forward apologized. The disputed penalty went wide, without the goalkeeper needing to intervene.

Osimhen has not yet renewed for Naples, where he arrived in 2020, despite the club’s insistence that he do so.

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