Panelists invite intellectuals to contribute their thoughts and take responsibility

by time news

2023-10-08 16:37:43

The gathering of intellectuals for African sovereignty organized a panel on Saturday October 7, 2023 in Ouagadougou. It was under the theme “The intellectual in a society in crisis” that several communicators from various profiles kept the participants in suspense.

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“In sociology, the crisis is not an inevitability, but an opportunity to be stronger”, this is the essence of what we can learn from Dr Zakaria Soré’s communication to this panel organized on October 7, 2023 .

Lecturer in Sociology, teaching at the Joseph Ki-Zerbo University of Ouagadougou, he took a look from the angle of sociology at the crisis that Burkina Faso is experiencing. According to him, many sociologists have written forewarning the onset of the crisis that Burkina Faso is experiencing.

Dr Zakaria Soré, panelist

But unfortunately, according to him, they have not been sufficiently read. From his sociological analysis, it emerges that the problems that Burkina is experiencing are, among other things, due to the fact that the common rules which govern our societies no longer constitute humanity today.

Moreover, according to him in Burkina, several laws adopted are out of line with the realities of life. Finally, he thinks that the State does not have full control over education so much so that “private schools do more often they are agencies of ideology contrary to those of the State.” Furthermore, this is not inevitable, because, he says, “difficult periods are opportunities for change to become stronger”.

Never mind Issa Siguiré, a professional writer who also hosted a communication on literature and societal commitment, believes that men with pens in general must produce thought to make their contribution to this Burkinabè society which is currently in crisis. Without resignation, without bias, these intellectuals must, according to him, contribute positively to the life of the nation.

Adama Siguiré, professional writer, panelist

Idrissa Ouédraogo, communications advisor and many other panelists also sent communications to this panel. Idrissa Ouédraogo thinks that intellectuals must seize the current trend where a “certain segment of the population commonly called the Pro IRISSI” has the wind in its sails to question the trend and the reasons instead of hiding in silence .

Idrissa Ouédraogo, Communications Advisor

«I consider that many intellectuals have dozed off in comfort zones and the whole movement, whether linked to security, transition, street movements, should not call us nicknames or mockery of the kind IRISSI and others. These are real subjects of sociology, anthropology, political history. Intellectuals should be interested and not neglect this subject.

The ignorant may overlook these facts, but it is a great asset for the scholar, for an intellectual to study the new paradigms. What are the new factors that suit and direct state power? What is the new national culture, towards which we are tending? It’s really this pattern. It’s not this comfort zone where it’s basically saying, we’re not being listened to, the ignorant have taken control. That’s not it,” agreed Idrissa Ouédraogo.

All panelists recognized that the intellectual must put reflection and action together to change what is negative in society. Dr Zakaria Soré finally indicated that “the intellectual is the one who knows how to take a stand to change things. The intellectual must be a sentinel who refuses anything negative that happens. When you are an intellectual in a society in crisis, you have to speak out to show the possibilities that exist.”


Burkina 24



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