Park Vittoria in Bolzano, there is the final project for the underground garage – Bolzano

by times news cr

2024-05-13 00:41:16

BOLZANO. Finally, at least that’s how it seems. The garage Vittoria takes a step forward: the definitive project of the infrastructure has in fact been delivered.

This is a decisive turning point because the underground car park in its construction framework was remodeled several times until the transition saw it reduced by one floor compared to the initial idea. On which, among other things, the previous expression of interest to assign works and management had been built, which ultimately ended in nothing. Now, the new beginning: the architect Mario Valdemarin has concluded the redefinition of the spaces and underground floors and now the process begins on this solid basis. So much so that the Municipality set out to define the agenda: three months for the publication and dissemination of the tender, as many or more for the rewriting of the ppp (public-private partnership) with the private “contractor” and finally the award .

«The program expects to start in 2025», he predicts the councilor Stefano Fattor. In fact, it is Heritage, with the mayor and the council, who have restarted the machine after the harsh slowdowns of Covid but also due to the difficulties in identifying the business partner given that, in the first round in view of the award, they had exploded the costs of materials with heavy consequences on spending forecasts. Precisely in the face of these obstacles, the Municipality had thought of a reduction in construction costs and, hence, the elimination of an infrastructure plan, from six to five in total.

The definitive project now takes into account all these steps and clarifies them, thus becoming a recognizable tool erga omnes, and therefore also verifiable by the business groups who, already interested in the operation when it was more complex, will now be able to start the dialogue with the Municipality. Who has chosen the path of partnership to make not only the expenditure more sustainable but also the management which would be entrusted to private individuals. The overall cost of the work will be approximately 18 million euros to be paid by private individuals, of which 4.5 will be placed by the Municipality. Private individuals will recover the investment through parking space usage fees which will, in turn, be agreed with the municipality.

Compared to the initial project, this will not decrease by much compared to the stalls available in the basement which should remain around 400 in total despite the cutting of one floor. These plans have already been planned, divided between residents and those on rotation, thus absorbing the traffic needs that will have to be redesigned given that Piazza Vittoria will be repaved, freed from cars and dedicated to events. At this point the construction start times for the garage seem to overlap with those recently defined also for the works on the former Pascoli.

Slipped in the past few days for the umpteenth time. Which, after long negotiations and fine-tuning with continuous date slips, should start in 2025, coinciding with those of the garage. “For this reason, a specific traffic plan is increasingly indispensable – adds councilor Fattor – capable of guaranteeing the movement of vehicles but also normal circulation on Corso Libertà”. Furthermore, it will be necessary to find space for at least eighty cars which will be forced to move off the road in the quadrant affected by the two construction sites.

2024-05-13 00:41:16

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