Peanuts, what are the benefits? They are good but only without salt (and without going overboard) –

by time news

2023-04-25 07:09:56

Of Eliana Liotta

The consumption of nuts recommended by the Italian guidelines: one 30 gram portion a couple of times a week

Such is the habit of seeing peanuts at aperitifs that they are confused with french fries. No, thea dried fruit not junk food, on the contrary, has documented benefits for the heart. Wrapped in the shell are vitamins and minerals such as potassium, zinc and magnesium. If anything, the added salt should be avoided.

Unsaturated fats

The peanuts for botanists they are a legume, but from a nutritional point of view they fall into the category of walnuts and pistachios. They are also very popular because they are half made up of fats, especially unsaturated, goodincluding oleic acid, the same as extra virgin olive oil.

The portion

Perfect for sportsmen, grown in some countries to combat malnutrition, the peanuts they have a high calorie contentThat not in itself a stigma for a food, when it is rich in fiber and micronutrients. The consumption of nuts recommended by the Italian guidelines is a 30-gram portion a couple of times a week, about three tablespoons of shelled peanuts (or a handful a day).

I study

A recent search, on Clinical Nutritionhe measured the effects of peanuts on the microbiotathe people of microbes that affect health. After six weeks of consumptionera increased the species of Ruminococcaceae, bacteria that produce butyrate, essential for the maintenance of the intestinal walls.

Down the pressure

The peanuts I am source of protein (8.7 grams per serving), with an abundant amino acid, L-arginine: once in the body, it is transformed into nitric oxide, able to lower blood pressure (always if it’s unsalted peanuts).

In the kitchen

Il shell ensures protection for a few monthswhile unsaturated fats turn rancid if peanuts are exposed to light or heat.
Curious: blending the toasted seeds for about ten minuteswithout adding anything and keeping it in the fridge, you get one Spreadable creamil peanut butter. The industrial product, on the other hand, can be added with oils, sugar and salt.

April 25, 2023 (change April 25, 2023 | 07:09)

#Peanuts #benefits #good #salt #overboard

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