Pedrerol’s radical message in favor of Pep Guardiola

by time news

2023-06-10 23:54:34

Guardiola’s Manchester City won the Champions League final against Inter Milan. “This is what I have worked for all my life. I have played horrible, but we have won,” said Grealish, from City, unable to stop crying after the match. “Winning a treble with these players is so special… Seeing my family in the audience makes me very emotional” continued the English striker, who did not forget Guardiola. “He is a genius. I went to talk to him and thank him, because he has put a lot of faith in me, paying many millions two years ago and last year I played like shit, but he kept trusting me,” he continued.

Of Pep Guardiola is what is talked about in Spain. Because he has his admirers and his detractors, those who consider him a genius and those who think that everything he does is flattered, even if it doesn’t always have courage. There was another fundamental Spanish player in the final, Rodri. But they don’t talk about him that much. And that marked the victory goal. “This is a dream come true,” said Rodri at the BT Sport microphones. “They all deserve it, the players, the fans who have been waiting for this for so many years. And I’ve only been there for four, but we deserve it. Last year we were very close, but when you always get to these rounds, semifinals, final, at the end, God gives you this opportunity”, he said afterwards “We have faced a great team, they deserve their credit, but my team has given everything. I played like shit, but I told myself that I had to overcome the situation and I scored the goal. It’s incredible”, added the Spanish midfielder.

“The finals are like that, there are a lot of nerves, we didn’t expect anything else. For many of my teammates it was their first final, but we have competed like animals. We have made history, but the good thing is that we want more. Now we have to enjoy ourselves, because these moments don’t happen again”. He was enthusiastic: “” My dream was to play at the highest level, but I never thought of playing in a Champions League final, imagine scoring a goal in the final. This speaks to the fact that in the end, with hard work, any normal kid can reach these moments. Thank the people who have trusted me. It’s been very special,” he finished. He also recognized the fundamental role of Guardiola. “I was horrible in the first part. The coach encouraged me, he told me to my face that I had been wrong, that I was a leader, that I had to change my mentality”.

Until Josep Pedrerol, presenter of El Chiringuito, has surrendered to Pep Guardiola. In the broadcast, D’Alessandro assured that City had played poorly and Pedrerol jumped, defending Guardiola like never before, ensuring that it was practical in the final, but that during the competition he played well, for example, “painting Real’s face Madrid”.

For Pedrerol, part of Pep Guardiola’s success is that he has also learned to win matches and championships with a less stylized, but more direct football, more focused on winning and taking fewer detours. That is why he has jumped so much.

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