PF seizes almost 300 kg of drugs on an evangelical church plane

by time news

2023-05-29 21:52:29 (Agência Brasil)

The PF caught the kg of skunk in a private hangar, in Belém, Pará

One plane
belongs to Church
Quadrangular do For
was seized by Federal police
( PF
) on the morning of last Saturday (27), with 290 kilos of skunk
– a variety of marihuana
more concentrated. A aircraft
he was seized
on a hangar
private, located in Belem International Airport.

The information about the seizure is from the religious institution itself, which alleges that the outsourced service provider would have accessed the aircraft
at night, on Friday (26), and that the Quadrangular
unknown what would be the origin of the drug

The released note clarifies that the man in question “looked for the pilot wanting to make a flight to take, according to him, some tractor parts to an inland city”. According to church
they only knew about drugs
no plane
after seizure
made fela PF

The police action only became public last Sunday (28), being released by the company itself. Federal police
without indicating the names and data of the aircraft
. In addition to substances, PF
says that “a person was apprehended who was about to transport 290 kilos of skunk”.

The text released by PF
clarifies that “the drug would be taken by a single-engine plane out of the State, but before taking off the act was caught in a private flight hangar at Belém International Airport”. aircraft
it only held space for the pilot and one passenger, with all the rest occupied by cargo.

According to investigations, the plane
was bound for Petrolina, in Pernambuco. “Minutes before take-off, scheduled for 7:30 am, the person responsible for the drug was approached as he walked from the patio to the aircraft. When he saw the police, he ran out of the airport, but was caught”, emphasizes the PF.

The agents booked the man red-handed for the crime of interstate drug trafficking. A PF
did not arrest the pilot, for not verifying his participation in the scheme. In addition to the charge, the aircraft
and the man’s cell phone were seized.

#seizes #drugs #evangelical #church #plane

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