PF targeted smuggler at Camelódromo – Capital

by time news

2023-08-08 15:52:00

A warrant was served at the Camelódromo and the other at the merchant’s house, the target of the action

Goods were seized by the Federal Police in box 36 (Photo: Bruna Marques)

Operation Bigorna, launched by the PF (Federal Police) this Tuesday morning (8), at the Camelódromo in Campo Grande, fulfilled two search and seizure warrants, issued by the Federal Court of the Capital. Only one box was the target of the action. Due to the operation, the opening of the shopping center was delayed by 1 hour and 30 minutes. The gates opened at 9:30 am.

According to the PF, the investigation began from assessments carried out by Decon (Specialized Police Station for the Repression of Crimes Against Consumer Relations), “through which it remained evident that some products sold in the center were the result of smuggling and embezzlement”.

Embezzlement is the crime, with a penalty of 1 to 4 years of imprisonment, committed against the Public Administration when the tax due for the purchase of foreign goods (lawful) is not paid. Smuggling, on the other hand, means importing or exporting prohibited goods in Brazil, with a prison sentence of 2 to 5 years.

Electronics box, target of the operation, with the doors closed (Photo: Bruna Marques)

The report found that the goods were seized only in box 36, for electronics. According to the president of the shopping centre’s association, Narciso Soares dos Santos, it was a fulfillment of a specific order, only at one stand. “It is a couple that is being investigated. The operation was not in the entire camelódromo”, he explained.

One warrant was served at the Camelódromo and the other at the merchant’s house. The name of him and his wife, targets of the action, was not disclosed.

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